Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 24

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Lot 264

Johnson, Lyndon B. Two of the items are matted and framed with an engraved bronze plaque and a small color print of LBJ, to an overall size of 16½ x 26" A fascinating glimpse inside the Oval Office. 36th President of the United States, 1963-1969.

Three memos to President Johnson from staff members, each with Johnson's Signed Holograph comments in pencil. As follows:

A. One page, Quarto, Washington D.C., September 30, 1964. To President Johnson from Dick Goodwin with backup from George Stevens to Dick Goodwin, regarding public relations issues in Johnson's re-election campaign and the role television plays in it. LBJ writes in the border in full, "D - I commend you. I also like [the idea of an] election eve broadcast - Put it together at once - L." Fine condition.

B. Two pages, Quarto, Washington D.C., April 26, 1965. To President Johnson from Carl T. Rowan, Director of the United States Information Agency regarding the public stance Johnson should take in his upcoming press conference about the United States/Viet Nam question. At the top of the page, LBJ has scribbled, "Get to Bill M -" [Moyers]. Also at the bottom of the first page, in an unknown hand is the pencil notation, "This…kind of speculation is unproductive and harmful." Fine condition.

C. One page, Octavo, Washington D.C., June 9, 1965. Dick Goodwin sends the following message to the President, "Mr. President: Now that my prophecy is about to be realized, I thought you would like to see this memo which I sent to you many months ago." Johnson's reply in full: Dick - What is your point? I don't get it - L."

Accompanying the Goodwin June 9 memo is a photocopied memo from Goodwin to LBJ: Four pages, Quarto, Washington D.C., regarding the United States' policy toward DeGaulle and France. On the cover note, Goodwin states, in full, "Mr. President: I sent you this memorandum last summer. I believe everything in it is still true, and just as urgent. In fact the passage of time has made it more urgent. Dick Goodwin, April 29, 1965". President Johnson's note in reply, "I agree - send this to Tom Manee [?] and let's get busy. - L." Fine condition. In addition to President Johnson's holograph comments, there are a number of secretarial notations in the margins.

Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized $1,035

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