Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 24

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Lot 17

(Hoover, Herbert, & Hoover, Lou Henry). A pair of exquisite, silk, handpainted doilies that belonged to First Lady Lou Henry Hoover. One is gold and yellow silk, depicting a narcissus in the center; the other is in shades of purple and lavender, depicting pansies in the center. Each is approximately 6 inches square, with a silk fringe and beautiful, intricate cut-out fabric work bordering the flower. The doilies were presented by Mrs. Hoover to Lillian Rogers Parks, a second-generation White House employee, shortly after Hoover's defeat by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 election. Accompanied by a detailed, historical letter of provenance by Lillian Rogers Parks, on White House letterhead, November 11, 1982, describing the doilies and her first meeting with Mrs. Hoover. Mrs. Parks wrote a book, My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House, that NBC made into a mini-series starring Lou Gossett and Leslie Uggums; it won 11 Emmys. The doilies would frame handsomely for an unusual display and conversation piece.
Estimated Value $300 - 500.


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