Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 952

Meteorite American Pallasite Brenham. The Brenham pallasite fell to earth some 1,000-2,000 years ago in Kiowa County near Haviland, Kansas. It is the most famous of all American pallasites and was perhaps the largest fall of a pallasite in recorded history with over 6 tons of recovered meteorites. Although the local Indians knew of this meteorite, it was not officially discovered until 1882 and designated a pallasite which is a mixture of an iron-nickel matrix with crystals of olivine. This large 3X2.4 inch 44.8 gram slice has been polished on both sides with more than 50% of its iron-nickel matrix filled with olivine crystals including some olivine crystals that when viewed through a light source are a translucent yellow-green in color. Because of their demand and high value, it is rare to be able to purchase larger slices of Pallasites. This affordable good sized slice is presented in a 5.5X4.5 inch Riker Mount.
Estimated Value $500 - 700.

Realized $320

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