Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 20

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Lot 941

1856 $10 Liberty. PCGS graded MS-63. Brilliant and Prooflike, unusually so on the obverse. A gorgeous, cameo example with great eye appeal. This is the rare Misplaced Date variety, discovered in 1999, which shows the top and serif of a 1 in the denticles just below the 5! PCGS reports 4 examples at this level, with only 1 finer (a single MS-64) (PCGS # 8619) .
Estimated Value $9,500 - 10,500.
Plate matching indicates that this is from the Harry W. Bass, Jr. collection, Lot 633, sold in May 2000 by Bowers and Merena Galleries. However, the Bass name does not appear on the holder.

Realized $10,235

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