Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 68

Letter Dated 1813 Recounting Indian Atrocities in Ohio. An autographed letter signed by a Patience Whedon, dated Bloomfield, Ohio, January 30, 1813 who informs her sister, Anna Andrews of Massachusetts that three Indians killled her son while in a bunk house after setting traps. "….Took an ax and struck him on the small of his back…." and the details become far more gruesome of his murder as well as another. who was with him. Letter is one and one-half pages of one leaf, 7¾" x 12½", is stained, age-toned with minor separations to the fold lines. Letter remains quite legible, the details, certainly tragic.
Estimated Value $300 - 500.
From the Donald P. Dow Collection.

Realized $348

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