Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 66

French and Indian War Era Letter of Marque Handwritten Manuscript, 1757. French and Indian War dated handwritten manuscript, a copy of an original Letter of Marque dated May 17, 1756 originally issued by William Greene four term Governor of the Colony of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations. In the days of fighting on the open seas, a letter of marque and reprisal was a government license authorizing a person (known as a privateer) to attack and capture enemy vessels and bring them before admiralty courts for condemnation and sale. In part: "…by his most Sacred majesty, George the Second by the grace of god King of great Britain contained to Declare war against France and there upon given orders for the granting Commission or Letters of Marque to any of his loving Subjects and others Deemed fully qualified in that behalf for the Apprehending, Seizing and Taking the Ships and goods belonging to France……Given under my hand and Seal of the Colony aforesaid this Ninth Day of August Anno Domini 1757 and in the Thirty first year of his paid reigns W Green" On verso is written " This is to Certify the within written Commission is a true copy and that John Brown is my first Lieutenant on Board of the Brig mar's -" and signed Geo. Huntz. Document written on laid paper has been nicely archived with center fold line exhibiting very minor separation, measures 23" x 16" and exhibits usual age toning.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,000.


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