Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 54

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Lot 556

1810 S-284 R3. PCGS graded MS-65 Brown. Turban Head. Plated in Sheldon and Noyes. Choice glossy chocolate brown with frosty lighter golden brown toning in the protected areas, especially on the reverse where there are hints of faded mint color are mixed in with the frosty lighter golden brown toning. A splash of slightly darker chocolate brown toning on the chin and front edge of the neck into the field at left offers an easy identifying mark for this cent. Choice except for four tiny nicks around the second 1 in the date plus another tiny one off the left end of the base of the first 1 and another in the field over the head. None of these marks is significant and the eye appeal of this piece is outstanding. Nicely struck EDS, Breen state I, from perfect, unclashed dies. The obverse is slightly off center to K-4.5 and the obverse is off even less to K-1.5 (which is the same direction, so this piece was struck very slightly off center rather than from misaligned dies). Called MS63 by Bland and finest known of the die variety. Noyes says MS60 and CC#3, his photo #20044. Our grade is MS62. This cent is plated in Early American Cents, Penny Whimsy, and in the Noyes book to illustrate the variety. PCGS Population 1; The finest of only two graded for the variety at PCGS. DWH #2846.
Estimated Value $25,000-UP.
Ex David Proskey-Henry C. Hines-Dr. William H. Sheldon 4/19/72-R. E. Naftzger, Jr., 2/23/92-Eric Streiner-Jay Parrino (The Mint) 4/16//96-Jack Wadlington (via Bob Grellman and Chris McCawley) 6/30/05.

Realized $149,500

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