Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 53

Agnew, Spiro T. " I can only reaffirm my innocence to you …."Typed letter signed by Spiro T. Agnew who resigned as Vice-President under Richard Nixon on October 10, 1973 for income tax evasion. Striking a plea-bargain to avoid jail time, he plead guilty and was fined $10,000 with three years probation. Here, three weeks later he sent a letter to Tom Brokaw, then a White House correspondent and the Saturday anchor of NBC Nightly News sadly reaffirming his innocence and that his resignation was the best for the country. "Dear Mr. Brokaw, Your support and encouragement meant a great deal to me. I can only reaffirm my innocence to you and hope, in this complex and confusing situation, that you will try to understand that I believe the actions I have taken are in the best interest of the Nation. Sincerely, Spiro T. Agnew. Letter as matted, is 6" x 6", and is presented in with a photo and plate explaining the history all handsomely framed to 20" x 24".
Estimated Value $300 - 400.

Realized $1,020

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