Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 51

Castro, Fidel. In 1959, Castro used guerilla warfare to successfully overthrow Cuban leader Batista, and was sworn in as prime minister of Cuba. As Cuban prime minister he set forth many new laws regarding public order and punishment against dissidents of the state. Typed Document Signed, as Prime Minister and initialed ("F.C."), in Spanish (full translation), on República de Cuba / Presidencia letterhead, 11 pp., 13½ x 9 in., Havana, Cuba, July 7, 1959. The document was generated by Manuel Urrutia Lleó (proclaimed provisional president over whom Castro exercised a great deal of influence and control). This incredible and rare document deals with the treatment and punishment of so called crimes against the state: "…"The generic definition of counter revolutionary activity it is necessary to suppress-imply the possibility of immeasurable injuring of individual freedom by ensuring that fought the revolution, who remain unpunished or facts that tend to subvert the fundamentals institutions State, so it is advisable to qualify the specific offenses that, in form of attention conduct concerned and the interests they protect, and can be conceptualized as counter-events, thus achieving the provisions of Article 25 of the Basic Law as hereby amended…"
Castro has boldly signed the last page and initialed the first ten pages on the left vertical border. A decorative, ribboned, blue embossed paper seal has been affixed to the last page. Each of the 11 pp. are embossed with various official seals. Extremely rare as signed laws by Castro are tightly held by the Cubian government. Age toned, Brown around the edges. Center fold. 3-hole punched at left vertical border. Minor left edge chips. Overall in very good condition.
Estimated Value $5,000-UP.


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