Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 24

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Lot 471

The Laws of New Jersey. Oversize, leather-bound Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey from the Surrender of the Government to Queen Anne…1702 to the 14th Day of January 1776, by Samuel Allinson. Published in Burlington, New Jersey, "Printed by Isaac Collins, Printer to the King, for the Province of New Jersey M.DCC.LXXVI," 13¼ x 9¼ x 2 in. thick, 500 pages plus, filled with all the laws passed by the General Assembly of New Jersey up to the then-Tory Governor William Franklin (illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin, who opposed the push for independence). Covers all of the laws passed in the state, including control of fisheries, gaming (including cock fighting), the running of the goals (jails) and, probably most interesting, the laws governing the control of slaves, including such laws as trading with slaves without consent of their master, rewards for individuals finding slaves, slaves convicted of stealing to be whipped, and punishment of slaves for attempting to ravish or striking their master. The balance of the laws are replete with unusual and informative insight into the governing of a colonial province.

The book is highly polished, leather bound with spine gold-stamped "New Jersey Laws" and the front cover with incused letters "For The Use of The Clerk of Middle Precinct." Small splitting of the spine at upper left edge. Interior with light toning throughout, and pen blotting marks on the inside covers. Isaac Collins, the printer, also printed many other documents, as well as the colonial paper currency of New Jersey and the currency notes of the newly-formed state republic. A rare edition at the dawn of the American Revolution.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.


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