Sale 88

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Lot 46

Kennedy Onassis, Jacqueline. Autograph letter signed ("Jackie"), on stationery engraved "1040 Fifth Avenue, 3 pages, 7½ x 5¼ in. (New York), Dec. 21, 1974. To world-renowned dancer and choreographer Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993): "Dear Rudolf - We are leaving for Switzerland this afternoon and I am really heartbroken not to be here for your opening - but fortunately will be back to see you dance before you close here - it sounds wonderful. Dear Rudolph [sic] - I am always missing you in places - I feel so badly about what happened with your vacation this summer. I wanted so much for you to have a rest and a happy time - it was so sad when Perry fell through - and I thought I had thought of everything - but I didnt think a war would break out in Cyprus, throwing all Greeks into near hysteria. I was really upset - I hope you know that - and understand my feelings for you. I am always your friend and will always do anything I can to make you happy. Let's hope for better luck next time! So much love - and happy happy New Year - and à bientôt." Holograph transmittal envelope is addressed to Mr. Rudolf Nureyev c/o Hurok Productions in New York City.
Estimated Value $800 - 1,000.
Ex William "Bill" Steiner Collection, Manuscripts and Autographs, June 27, 2015, lot 222 (sold for $825.00 but not paid).

Realized $590

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