Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 36

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Lot 4132

1925-D $20 St. Gaudens. PCGS graded MS-63. Choice, well preserved and frosty. Scarce date. Tremendous value from a very positive set of circumstances, which collectors like better to see than wishy-washy dullness so commonly found on this rare '25-D issue; furthermore, the surfaces show pleasing yellow to golden hues. There is a short line in the field to the left of the torch; some nicks on the body as well, plus a few scratches on the eagle's wing. All these are in line with the grade. As for the strike, we can report everything is faithful to every detail from a decent blow by the dies, with only marginal weakness found at the upper knee and portions of the blouse across Liberty's upper body as well as the top part of the Capitol dome with some of the lower stars flattened.

Like the 1924-D, the 1925-D had its rarity ranking revised since the mid-20th century by the appearance of a few minor hoards overseas. While both dates are similar in rarity taken as a whole, the advantage in high grades goes to the 1925-D. We have not offered a near-Gem for several sales. Typically unevenly impressed for the issue, the devices rise nicely but not quite boldly above the fields with clear overall definition. Pop 107; 117 in 64; 2 in 65; 2 in 66. (PCGS # 9181) .
Estimated Value $7,500 - 8,000.

Realized $10,063

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