Sale 88
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Lot 401
Pewter Passover Seder Plate, Holland, Dated 1808. Plate dates c. 1780 and Hebrew inscription indicates "Made in the Year (5)568," corresponding to 1808. "ADOLFF LEEKIN/BLOCKTIN" is stamped three times on the back. The design shows two men wearing yarmulkas at either end of a long table. On the table are two teapots, etc., and floating above are three round matzahs, a goblet(?), and a flower. Below the table is a cat, two sons wearing yarmulkas (one carries a flower in each hand), and two younger daughters. There is a circumferential inscription in Hebrew listing 15 steps in the Seder--telling the story of the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt: Kiddush (prayer over the wine), wash hands, dip vegetable in salt and eat, etc. The pewter plate was common at this time as it was much less expensive than silver (which only the wealthiest of families could afford). Older pewter plates were usually purchased at the market and then engraved with the appropriate Passover inscriptions and imagery. Diameter of 37.3cm. Good condition, with some corrosion at bottom, just hitting the top of the inscription. There are some scratches, but the design is virtually unimpaired. Estimated Value $7,500 - 12,500. From The Collection of Dr. Stephen Oppenheimer.
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