Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 357

Warren, Jim. Untitled. Jim Warren is an American artist best known for record album illustrated art (he won a Grammy for his Bob Seger album art, for Against The Wind) and book and magazine cover illustrations. He has worked in surrealistic fantasy since the 1960s, has collaborated with the Walt Disney Studios, and participated in dual works with marine artist, Robert Wyland. His painting from the 1970s, "Sexual Explosion" became one of the most notorious female nudes ever painted having been stupidly banned from public exhibition, nevertheless great publicity. Offered here is a compelling oil on canvas 19" x 25" framed to 24" x 29", exhibiting a favorite artistic conceit of his, the ripping or tearing of canvas to reveal a more surrealist or fantastic theme. Here a manicured woman's hands tear opens a canvas to reveal, and here the interpretations begin. Is it a world that exists only in the mind, is it the real world blinded by an artist's myopic view of his world and his art, is there a not so subtle sexual overtone to the work? Obviously the painting speaks volumes to Mr. Warren's enduring popularity as an artist whose work is consistently thought provoking. Painting in excellent condition, frame has scuffs and dings.
Estimated Value $700 - 1,000.

Realized $870

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