Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 355

Vargas, Alberto. Diana - The Huntress. Peruvian born Alberto Vargas (1896-1982) moved to the United States just prior to WWI after schooling in Zurich and without question, left a legacy of being the foremost illustrator of pin-up girls of the 20th Century. He began as an artist for the Ziegfeld Follies which led to illustrated work for several Hollywood Studios. His poster for The Sin of Norma Moran is considered one of the all time great one sheets in Hollywood history. His "Vargas Girls" illustrated for Esquire magazine were a favorite for WWII American and Allied pilots who copied his work on the nose of many planes. However his illustrations caused Esquire to take their case to publish his work all the way to the Supreme Court when the Feds denied the magazine its second class mailing permit and try to put them out of business. They prevailed but still let Vargas go which led to almost 20 years of difficult times. Years later, Hugh Hefner engaged Vargas for Playboy and his career once again flourished. After the death of his wife leaving him devastated, he quit painting all together, but occasionally came out of retirement for a few pieces, most notably The Cars album cover art for Candy-O. Offered here is a limited edition and hand-signed lithograph (320/500) of one of his most popular works, Diana - The Huntress printed in early 1979 measuring 29" x 21" and handsomely framed to 34" x 27" and in excellent condition.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,200.

Realized $840

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