Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 347

Maurer, Sidney Randolph. Miles Davis Enhanced Portrait Photo. (1926-) "Miles Davis" from the Maurer Music Icons of the 20th Century Collection. Signed ("Maurer"), mixed media print of Miles Davis (American jazz musician, trumpeter and bandleader), 14½ x 9 in., mounted on white board, signed on bottom right mount. Attractively framed to an overall size of 20½ x 14½ in. Sidney Maurer achieved financial success designing album covers with his co-worker, Andy Warhol. Maurer, an easel painter, later created original and photographic images; his life-like images leave a unique imprint on his work. Maurer's technique begins with images from assorted photographs or digital prints which inspire his creations of the people he has known, loved and believed have made a significant contribution to the betterment of all mankind. His creative eye blends the details from the photo collages to his unique style which significantly transforms the image into a collectible piece of art.
Estimated Value $300 - 500.


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