Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 343

Icart, Louis. Fountain. Louis Justin Laurent Icart (1890-1950) born in Toulouse, France where he studied art, then moved to New York City in the 1920s conjointly ushering in one of the most beloved periods of Art-Deco color etchings that remain as popular today. Icart's portrayal of women is usually sensuous, often erotic, yet always imbued an element of humor, which is as important as the implied or direct sexuality. In a popular work, dated New York, 1936, "Fountain", a nude is playfully and innocently rendered in this exquisite etching, with an explosion of blues, aquas and whites cascading over the pink tones of her body and the straw blond of her hair. The face is simply lovely with some seeing Jean Harlow and others, Carol Lombard. A classic of Art-Deco styling and absolutely enchanting.Etching and aquatint with touches of handcoloring on wove paper, signed in pencil, copyright and date in plate, with the blindstamp of the artist, laid down, with full margins, framed. Dimensions approximately 21" x 9" and sheet 27" x 14" beautifully framed and matted to 33½" x 21½".
Estimated Value $1,800 - 2,200.

Realized $1,907

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