Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 331

Bennett, Frank Moss. The Roll of the Dice. Frank Moss Bennett (1874-1952) was born in Liverpool and schooled at the Royal Academy School of Art. In 1899 he won the Academy's prestigious Gold Medal and travel scholarship, his work displayed at the school. Initially painting portraits of the wealthy he transitioned into genre painting specializing in life among all classes during the Elizabethan period. His work has long been admired by collectors, but only in this decade has his work been very popular in auctions and private sales throughout the world. Offered here is a magnificent example of Bennett's work. Two men, engaging is spirited wagers in a game of dice as gentlemen friends look on. Superb detail in the period clothes and interiors of the fine manor are clearly evident as well as his command of perspective. Painting measures 22" x 30", exquisitely framed to 31" x 40", signed by artist in lower left corner as F M Bennett, and is in excellent condition. This is Goldberg Auction's first piece by this artist and is proving very much a favorite in this auction.
Estimated Value $4,000 - 6,000.

Realized $7,200

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