Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 329

Aleksandrina, Irina. The Snow Day. Irina Aleksandrina (1965 -) Popular Russian artist who graduated from the Russian Academy of Arts and has exhibited in Europe, the United States, as well as Russia. In 2010, former Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev presented former U.S. Secretaries of State Condoleeza Rice and George Shultz with a painting by Alekandrina as a gift for showing him around Silicon Valley. Aleksandrina enjoys mixing up time periods in her work as evidenced here with a snowy day (very nicely detailed) set in the 1940's given the vehicles. Painting is an original oil on canvas, painted in 2003, measuring 16" x 12" and framed to 24" x 27" in a beautiful gilt wood frame that enhances the period and theme.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,200.
The Arden Family Holdings of Beverly Hills.

Realized $953

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