Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 31

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Lot 3168

Great Britain. "High Tide" penny, 1897. S.3961; KM-790. Victoria. Old head. High Tide, designated as "High Sea Level" on the slab insert. This is a great rarity in mint state, yet the Spink valuation is still fairly modest at £325 for "Unc." Very few examples of this scarce piece are offered, or perhaps known, in any grade approaching Uncirculated condition, and no one in the UK has broken down that grade into ordinary, choice, brown, red, etc., so there is much yet to discover about this curious die variety. On the ordinary die, there are 7 rim-beads between the tide level and the base of Britannia's foot, whereas on the High Tide there are 8. The sea level also comes to the base-line of the small central fold in Britannia's skirt on this variety, instead of meeting the line of the next lower fold on ordinary pieces. This specimen shows very strong beads, making identification easy. The cataloguer would not call it a Gem, but it's quite choice and has subdued brick-red and brown surfaces. Freeman (#148) labels it R9, but how many exist remains a mystery. However you see it, this is a real collecting opportunity for the penny specialist!. NGC graded MS-65 Red & Brown.
Estimated Value $650 - 800.
The Cheshire Collection.

Realized $660

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