Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 304

[Tilden, William T.] (1893 -1953) William Tilden II, nicknamed "Big Bill,", was an American tennis player who is often considered one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Tilden was the World No. 1 player for six years from 1920 through 1925. He won 14 Major singles titles including ten Grand Slams, one World Hard Court Championships and three Pro Slams. Tilden also won a record seven US Championships titles. Vintage Napier Sterling Silver Cigarette Case, beautiful hand hammered finish, hinged (tight mechanism- excellent condition) cross bar inside, 3 x 4¼ x ¼ in., "W.T.T. / 2ND" monogram engraved on front cover; presentation salutation engraved on inside front cover "TO BILL FROM JOHNNIE 'THE SPIRITUAL CAPTAIN WHO HAS DEEPLY SHARED YOUR FORTUNES AND MISFORTUNES 1927.' Interesting that Tilden would receive a cigarette case as a gift, for he was not known for being a smoker; he always said that he didn't inhale. In exceptional condition, looks like it was not used or carried very much- quite a handsome case. 4oz. total weight.
Estimated Value $150-UP.
William Tilden Estate Collection.

Realized $252

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