Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 69

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Lot 3004

Celts in Eastern Europe, c. 3rd-2nd Century BC. AR Tetradrachm (14.36 g). Zangenlorbeer type. Laureate and bearded head of Zeus right. Reverse: Crested horseman, prancing left, holding two birds overhead, wavy exergual line. Göbl, OTA 163/1 (these dies); Dembski 1102 (these dies); Cf. Kostial 446 (one bird). Rare and nicely toned. Extremely Fine.

The tetradrachms of northern Serbia assimilate various subtypes utilized in the eastern Danubian region, often combining previously unassociated obverse and reverse varieties. The dies tend to be neatly engraved and the coins struck on thick flans.
Estimated Value $3,500 - 4,000.
Ex Leu 79, Oct. 31, 2000, lot 128; Peus 329, Oct. 31, 1990, lot 17.

Realized $3,565

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