Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 299

4 Vintage Signed Contracts by Louis B. Mayer, Maureen O'Sullivan, Frederic March and Donald O'Connor. Collection of 4 signed contracts, certainly the best being a contract for the actress Anita Louise star of 60 films beginning in the silent era (1922) and continuing into the 1940s smoothly transitioning from silent to talkies. Here a three page contract dated September 5, 1930 from Tiffany Pictures agreeing to loan out Ms. Louise for the lead in THE GREAT MEADOW at $750 per week. What is interesting, is part of the terms of the contract is that she provide her own period costumes at her own expense, but that she gets to retain them after the shoot. Contract is signed by MGM's famous mogul, Louis B. Mayer and Phil Goldstein of Tiffany. Also in the collection is a signed contract by acclaimed actor Fredric March (Best Actor Winner for DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE and BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES) dated October 9, 1950 for THE NASH AIRFLYTE THEATRE a telecast sponsored by the Nash Motors Division of Nash-Kelvinator Company with terms that include that he "perform his services in a competent, painstaking and artistic manner to the best of your ability…attend all rehearsals and not deviate from the script." Signed in full by Mr. March and initialed 4 times in his hand. The final two contracts are both with CBS Televison, the first dated March 4, 1955, an agreement between CBS, Chrysler Corporation and celebrated actress, Maureen O'Sullivan for a show called CLIMAX with a rider affixed and initialed by O'Sullivan where she agrees to be third billed. The other dated October 10, 1957 is between CBS and Donald O'Connor for his services in a performance airing on Nov. 14, 1957 for PLAYHOUSE 90 involving various sponsors. All 4 contracts in excellent condition.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.

Realized $148

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