Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 298

Gregory Peck: Collection of Two Letters with Interesting Content and Two Signed Portraits. Gregory Peck proved one of the great and most popular actors in the history of film. He was also a savvy activist especially as President of the Academy of Motion Picture Art & Sciences frequently looking out for the rights of actors for proper compensation. This is evident in the first typed letter signed and dated 1974 questioning an agent at William Morris whether it is right for a studio to be compensated by a network but not compensating the actors for the work. Further in a long, hand-written post script, he admits he signed onto the agreement but with serious misgivings then forcefully declaring the actors should be paid for their contributions. A second letter is almost humorous with Peck by way of a handwritten letter that included recent stills of himself for director Don Siegel to review because he was worried that it may have been some time since Siegel had seen Peck in a film (therefore older than the director may remember). Finally two signed 8" x 10" portraits from different decades. The first a still from THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, a very striking portrait from the mid-1940s with a great signature signed in dark fountain pen but the photo does have three notebook binder holes along far left side white border, and with creases and some rippling. Nevertheless a commanding portrait of Peck. A second still from the late 1960s is in quite fine condition with a nice signature.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.

Realized $148

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