Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 297

9 Handwritten Letters by Hollywood Greats Including Katherine Hepburn, Olivia De Havilland, Barbara Stanwyck. Superb collection of letters from wonderful actresses past of Hollywood. First 2 notes with envelopes by Katherine Hepburn on personal stationary. These are indeed typed due to her difficulty in writing but her signatures are true, one dated 1992 the other 1993. The balance of the collection are all handwritten and they include a wonderful letter from Paris by Olivia De Havilland dated 1992, expressing condolences to a dear friend, two letters, with envelopes from Barbara Stanwyck to an aspiring actor in assisting him in being considered for a role both on personal stationary and signed in her very intimate/familiar name, "Missy", two notes on personalized stationary by Alice Faye to a close friend both of thanks and gratitude, and finally two letters with envelopes one a personalized note card by Lizabeth Scott, one an offer to dinner, the second a thank you for that swell dinner. All of these pieces are in excellent condition.
Estimated Value $250 - 400.

Realized $185

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