Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 296

2 Original Saturday Night Live Cast Members Gilda Radner, Rare Signed Document and Chevy Chase Signed Photo. Gilda Radner, one of the most talented and beloved comedians of the 1970s and 1980s, an original cast member of Saturday Night Live whose characters as Roseanna Roseannadanna and Baba Wawa are firmly seated in the annals of television history. She was recognized in 1978 with televisions greatest honor, The Emmy for her inspired comedy work. Radner went on to star in several film comedies, and met her second husband, Gene Wilder filming HANKY PANKY. Offered here is a rare signed document dated 1984 executed as President of The Gilda Radner Company, Inc. surrendering its right and authority to transact intrastate business in California. A year later Radner was diagnosed with ovarian cancer which she battled for four years, writing a book about her life and experiences in "It's Always Something" published four months prior to her death. Also included is a 1970s era, black and white 8" x 10" still of Chevy Chase very nicely inscribed and signed.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.

Realized $120

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