Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 293

John Garfield, Rare Signed Contract & Signed Vintage Original Photo. John Garfield, one of Warner Brother Studio's major stars of the 1940s proved an inspiration to the method actors of the 1950s like Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift. Garfield starred in many classic films, studied and enjoyed today including The Postman Always Rings Twice, Gentleman's Agreement, Destination Tokyo, Tortilla Flat, Humoresque, Body and Soul and several more. Garfield's brooding performances and working man ethic made him immensely popular throughout. In the early 1950s, falsely dogged, accused and called to testify at the HUAC trials, a stress that seriously aggravated his heart condition Garfield died of a heart attack at only age 39. Over 12,000 mourners lined the streets in NYC for his funeral, the likes not seen since Rudolph Valentino. Offered here is an original signed contract dated April 6, 1950 for a radio broadcast of Dinner at Eight also signed by Rosalind Russell for the Actors' Company. Also included is a striking and utterly different image of Garfield, a vintage original 7¼" x 9¼" stamped on verso by the photographer Elmer Fryer for Warner Brothers, likely taken as a magazine publicity photo in 1946 for Humoresque, signed in white india ink by Garfield. Photo exhibits minor evidence of handling and tiny scratches but otherwise and exceptional portrait of the star.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.

Realized $185

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