Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 291

Alfred Hitchcock Signed Contract, Peter Lorre Signed Contract and Photo. Alfred Hitchcock and Peter Lorre enjoyed a history of collaboration that began in the UK in 1934 with the original THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, Lorre's first English language film then in 1936 for SECRET AGENT. Skip 20 years and Lorre and Hitchcock worked together again in 1957 and 1960 in "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" on television. Offered here are three pieces, unrelated to each other but it was time to bring Hitchcock and Lorre back together. First a rare, 5 page, signed contract by Alfred Hitchcock dated December 7, 1965 for the publication rights of TORN CURTAIN which starred Julie Andrews and Paul Newman. Contract signed both by Alfred Hitchcock and an officer of MCA Inc. Next a signed contract by Peter Lorre and CBS Television for "Playhouse 90" dated February 25, 1957. Contract to co-star has been signed by Mr. Lorre and initialed on 3 addendums. Finally, a signed 8" x 10" photo of Lorre from the late 1950s or early 1960s boldly inscribed and signed in blue fountain pen. All three pieces in excellent condition and quite scarce.
Estimated Value $600 - 800.

Realized $892

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