Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 290

Sean Connery, Signed Contract, Terms for GOLDFINGER Billing (1930-) Academy Award winning actor. Document signed, one page, partially printed, accomplished in ink, 14 x 18½", n.p., 1964. A Billing Guaranty Agreement for a theatrical motion picture entitled "Untitled James Bond Project" between Filmcentre Overseas Corp. and Inforex Corporation, N.V., regarding the size and position of Connery's name in relation to the title and all printed material. This agreement is most likely for "Goldfinger", being the third James Bond film to star Sean Connery. Boldly signed on the right lower portion of the document. Across the left top margin someone has written, in pencil, "File Goldfinger." Excellent condition.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300.

Realized $1,620

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