Sale 88

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Lot 268

Collection of 7 Signed Photos by Legendary Directors of the Late 20th Century including Spielberg, Coppola and Allen. For fans of great films and the men that made them, a collection of 7 signed images. First a color 8" x 10" inscribed and signed by likely one of the most successful directors of all time, Steven Spielberg during the filming of AMISTAD in 1998. Next a scarce photo signed and dated August of 1977 by the brilliant Otto Preminger (EXODUS, ANATOMY OF A MURDER, FOREVER AMBER, IN HARMS WAY) a great candid of Francis Ford Coppola signed and dated 1974 the year of GODFATHER 2 and THE CONVERSATION, a signed candid photo of Peter Bogdonovich (LAST PICTURE SHOW, WHAT'S UP DOC, PAPER MOON) likely taken and signed in early 1980s, a nice image and signature of Martin Ritt (HUD, HOMBRE, NORMA RAE) a scarce signature of Bob Fosse when on the cover for ALL THAT JAZZ in American Film Magazine and finally a 1970s era color paper portrait boldly signed by the great Woody Allen.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.

Realized $148

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