Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 241

[Famous Couples] Fred Astaire & Ginger Rodgers, Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton and Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz. Wonderful lot of seven items: Fred Astaire, signed photo, signed in red Sharpie, b & with, 6¼ x 4¾"; Ginger Rogers, signed photo, signed in brown Sharpie, inscribed "Blessings from." Astaire and Rogers made ten films together.; Elizabeth Taylor SECRETARIAL.; Richard Burton, signed 2 x 3½" card, black ink. Lucille Ball, Lucille & Desi Arnaz. Three items: 2 x 3½" white card signed "Love Lucy" with a blue felt-tip pen; a Typed letter signed "Desi Arnaz," on personal letterhead, one page, Del Mar, CA, June 19, 1980. To Harry Sparks, regretting the delay in receiving and answering his mail ("…it must have traveled by burro…") and enclosing a 7 x 5" autographed picture (which is present here) signed on the lower white border, "Gracias! Desi Arnaz." All items in fine condition.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
Jerry Berg Card Collection.

Realized $148

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