Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 235

Collection of Signed Theatre Programs Signatures including Katherine Hepburn, Christopher Reeve, Leonard Bernstein. Collection of 9 Playbills or programs, some with numerous signatures of cast members, plus three signed cards. Names included are a Katherine Hepburn signed program from A MATTER OF GRAVITY plus a signed note of thanks inside a printed note card of her self-portrait, a 1959 Playbill for Tennessee Williams' SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH signed by Geraldine Page, "JB" by Elia Kazan, February 1959 Playbill signed by Raymond Massey, a 1958 Playbill for THE PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY signed by most of the cast including Cyril Ritchard, George Peppard, Dolores Hart and Cornelia Otis Skinner, a scarce Melina Mercouri signed Playbill from 1968 for ILLYA DARLING, FIFTH OF JULY signed by cast including Christopher Reeve, Swoozie Kurtz, and William Hurt, "Music With Mary Martin" signed by Mary Martin, program for HOW NOW DOW JONES signed by composer Elmer Bernstein, NEW GIRL IN TOWN signed by Thelma Ritter, and three signed cards by Ira Gershwin with caricature, Leonard Bernstein and Richard and Robert Sherman signed and inscribed with Super-cali-fragilistic-expialidocious from MARY POPPINS.
Estimated Value $300 - 600.

Realized $168

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