Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 36

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Lot 2250

Great Britain. Medal, 1685. Med. Ill. I.p. 615, 27 (plate LXIV, 12). Silver. 61 mm. By R.A (R. Arondeaux). Bust of James II, laureate bust left in Roman dress, resting on four sceptres, terminating in the badges of the kingdoms, upon a pedestal, in from of which is affixed the royal shield within the Garter, crowned. Neptune in his car, and ships in the distance. Reverse: Justice standing in center, at her feet lie the bodies of Monmouth and Argyle; their heads are on blocks inscribed. This medal commemorates the ill-advised, ill-executed, and unsuccessful invasions of Monmouth and Argyle, both of whom were defeated, captured, and beheaded in 1685. Beautiful old tone. Rare. Choice Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $750 - 1,000.
The Emile A. Tartakow Collection.

Realized $4,025

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