Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 57

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Lot 2239

1895 $10 Liberty. PCGS graded MS-62. Golden hues are evident on both sides. At the time this $10 Eagle was made in 1895, America was being led by a beefy, 300-pound gentle giant of a President, Grover Cleveland. As politicians go, Mr. Cleveland was somewhere in-between when it came to skullduggery and job peddling. He had a conservative bent, though, which surfaced in his clashes with followers of the fiery William Jennings Bryan. Cleveland believed in a gold standard as the only honest form of money. And woe to anyone who should drive this country to socialism by doing away with it! Unfortunately, soon after he gained office, the economy took a nose-dive. Throughout his 1892-1896 tenure he fought a losing battle against the hardships of his constituents (PCGS # 8732) .
Estimated Value $700 - 750.

Realized $805

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