Sale 88

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Lot 200

The Easton Press. Collection of 11 Signed Books By The Author including Styron and Didion. All 11 books presented in this exceptional lot were published by The Easton Press: Norwalk, CT., Hardcover. Signed First Edition. Numbered Limited Edition. Complete with a Certificate of Authenticity issued from the publisher and Collector's Notes. Full leather volume with decorative gilt covers, gilded page edges, satin ribbon page marker, silk moire endleaves, and raised bands on spine with gilt lettering. The signed books included in this lot as follows: Brain Droppings, signed by George Carlin, No. 355/1100; A Book Of Common Prayer, signed by Joan Didion; Reason For Hope, signed by Jane Goodall, No. 354/1400; A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, signed by Stanley Kramer, No. 399/900; Memoirs, signed by David Rockefeller, No. 601/1300; Ginger My Story, signed by Ginger Rogers; Big Russ And Me, signed by Tim Russert, No. 563/1500; Sophie's Choice, signed by William Styron;The Golden Age, signed by Gore Vidal, No. 242/1100;Timequake, signed by Kurt Vonnegut, No. 404/1200. Also included with this lot is a signed copy of The Bonfire Of The Vanities, signed by Tom Wolfe, on the first flyleaf. The Franklin Library; Signed First Edition Society, Franklin Center, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 1987. Leather.First Edition. This limited signed first edition has been bound in a deep purple leather with gilt lettering and decoration of the spine and boards. All edges gilt, marbled endpapers, satin ribbon page marker. This wonderful collection of signed books is worthy of any library shelf. All the books appear as never read. Mint condition.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,200.
The Arden Family Holdings of Beverly Hills.

Realized $600

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