Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 144

Barnum, Phineas T (1810-1891) American showman and businessman, best remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus. Autograph letter signed ("P.T.Barnum"), on his embossed personal stationery, 2 pp., 7 x 4½ in., Iranistan, Bridgeport, CT, August 7, 1851. To "Friend Roberts." Headed Confidential, Barnum writes: "I feel deeply interested (though not pecuniarily to the amount of a farthing) in the introduction of the 'Fire Annihilator,' into this country. From what I have read and heard from eye-witnesses I am convinced it is the greatest invention of the age. If you will 'post up' yourself and render on the subject, you will greatly subserve the cause of humanity, and I think the subject will prove interesting. I have been laying off here in the quiet since the termination of the Lind enterprise and I have fully determined to rest tranquil the rest of my life unless I get starved into active business again. Call on me as you come this way…" This is one of the few letters that refer to the Jenny Lind Tour of 1850. Great content. Light age toning. Center fold. Fine condition.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,200.
Paul C. Richards Autographs, 1985.

Realized $420

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