Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 91

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Lot 1435

1880 $3 Gold PCGS Proof 64. PCGS graded Proof 64. Lovely light golden toning. Only 36 struck in proof of which perhaps 25 to 30 exist today. This is one of the finer examples with clasic orange peel texture in the fields and ample frost on the devices. The Indian headdress on Liberty is a classic design by famed mint engraver James B. Longacre which is paired with the open agricultural wreath on the reverse. However, the $3 denomination was finding little acceptance by 1880 so the mintage in Proofs was indeed quite tiny. Survivors are sparse and demand far exceeds the number available. An important example that should not be overlooked by specialists. Pop 7; 1 finer in 65 (PCGS # 8044) Estimated Value $18,000 - 19,000


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