Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 1129

1970s Shuttle wing leading edge radiant heating test hardware. Fascinating offering that includes two prototype electrodes, the original drawings for the hardware as designed by the consignor, a graphite material sample used for heater strips and additional collateral that includes Discovery magazine with article germain to the testing. Hardware was used to "…perform thermal/vacuum certification tests on a full size section of the Shuttle wing leading edge…. Important testing of Shuttle tiles. Consignor's design as depicted in drawings reflect the changes that needed to be made to get hardware to work successfully. One of the electrodes is soldered and other is not so it can be taken apart for examination. Electrode pieces are overall max size 5"x9¼"x¾" and graphite is ¾"x3/8"x8½". Detailed consignor COA included.
Estimated Value $350 - 400.

Realized $105

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