Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 1101

1972 Apollo FLOWN lunar surface flag. This unmounted 4"x6" flag is accompanied by a color photocopy of a 1975 typed letter/COA on NASA letterhead from Gene Cernan to Ed Barker stating that the flag was FLOWN on "America" and "Challenger" Apollo XVII. There is an additional photocopied handwritten note in red ink, initialed "ESB" stating "Given to me by Gene Cernan - Personal Kit Apollo 17 - in his suit while on the moon." A notarized statement by the consignor states that these documents are true copies of the original notes. A rare and important flag.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
Ex Ed Barker & Michael Orenstein collections.

Realized $1,800

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