Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 104

Vintage Original 18th-19th Century Silhouette Collection. Lot of three vintage items: Silhouette of a Revolutionary Gentleman (purported to be General Nathanael Greene), 3" bust length image with stylized shirt and hair ribbon, cutout black cloth, mounted on paper, c. 18th century. Faded signature (possibly William King) on lower right margin is illegible. Housed in the original gold washed frame to an overall size of 5½" x 4½".Age toned.; A delicate and beautiful 2" round silhouette portrait of a Colonial/Federal family, bust length, painted on paper. The image gives the appearance of painted porcelain. Displayed in the original 4½" x 4½" period frame.; and a full figure painted portrait of a gentleman, black watercolor or ink on paper, signed "J. Marshall", 4" image, c. 1798. Presented in the original 6¼" x 4¾" frame. Age toning. It is quite possible that the silhouette image is that of Herman Witsius, D.D., as the original frame paper backing is from the title page of "God and Man" by Witsius. All items in very good condition.
Estimated Value $400 - 600.
Estate of Alexander White III.

Realized $180

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