Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

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Lot 1030

1965 Mercury 6 Astronauts & Spouses signed agent contract. Four (4) page contract between Mr & Mrs Carpenter, Cooper, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard & Slayton and Harry A Batten who would act as agent on their behalf. Page 3 bears bold signatures of M. Scott Carpenter, Leroy S Cooper, Jr, Virgil I Grissom, Walter M Schirra, Jr, Alan B Shepard, Jr, D K Slayton and Harry A Batten. Page 4 bears bold signatures of Rene Carpenter, Trudy Cooper, Betty Grissom, Josephine Schirra, Louise Shepard and Marjory Slayton. Note: No John and Annie Glenn. It is likely that Glenn did not participate because he had resigned from NASA the year before to go into politics. Some coffee (?) staining minimally affects Schirra, Shepard & Slayton signatures. Coffee (?) spill probably occurred while Deke Slayton was reading the contract as this is Deke Slayton's copy. A wonderful signed document.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
Ex Astronaut Donald K Slayton Estate collection.

Realized $1,320

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