Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 93

September 4-7, 2016 Pre-Long Beach Auction

The Fred Iskra Colleciton of Large Cents 1840-1857
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 1
1840 N-1 R1 Small Date PCGS graded MS63 Brown. Lustrous medium steel brown. Satiny mint frost covers both sides of this cent and the eye appeal is excellent. The only marks are a tiny tick in the field near the tip of the nose and a few specks of darker toning under star 10. E-MDS, die state a late. The repunching at the base of the 8 is dull but clearly visible. Our grade is MS60, tied for CC#6 honors in the Grellman census. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 3; 2 finer in 64 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $600-UP

Ex Dean Rodina, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 9/13/1997:255-Tom Reynolds-Chris McCawley-McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 2/2013:510-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 2
1840 N-2 R2 Small 8 over Large 8 PCGS graded MS64 Brown. Lustrous steel brown and chocolate, the reverse a few shades lighter than the obverse. Satiny mint frost covers this very attractive cent. The only marks are a bit of very fine carbon at the second S in STATES and above the F in OF. Otherwise this cent is choice. MDS, die state b, showing a thin but clearly defined rim cud break under 840 to star 13. The Small 18 over Large 18 feature is bold. A beautiful example of this popular "Redbook" variety. Our grade is MS60. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; 1 finer in 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex Howard Aubin, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 9/2012:716-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 3
1840 N-3 R1 Small Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty medium steel brown and chocolate. Satiny luster covers the fields and protected areas and this cent offers excellent eye appeal. No spots or stains. The only marks are a very light and barely visible scuff of microscopic ticks at the dentil tips over star 4 and a pair of dull nicks at the N in CENT. Very scarce EDS, die state b early. The die crack through the date and most of the stars is very light (an uncracked example is unknown and may not exist), and the die defects under the date are clear. In addition there are a few dull die lines down to the right from the dentils over the R in AMERICA and shorter fine die lines down to the left from the dentils over that ER. Those final lines are not mentioned in the Grellman attribution guide. An attractive example of a very rare die state. Our grade is MS60. Tied for CC#9 of the variety but finest of the early state in the Grellman census. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 3 finer, 1 in 64+, 2 in 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex Joe Rose, Harmer Rooke Galleries 3/15/1990:372 (via Chris McCawley)-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:3-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:10-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2333 (includes the Rasmussen and Brown collection envelopes, 4 lot tickets, and Wadlington collection notes).

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Lot 4
1840 N-4 R3 Small Date PCGS graded MS62 Brown. Frosty olive brown and chocolate with traces of very faded mint red showing on the reverse. Sharply struck showing complete radial lines in all the stars. The only notable defects are a collection of thin, light nicks between star 10 and the hair bun and a small splash of very fine carbon at the dentil tips under star 12. E-MDS, die state b early. The die lines over ER in AMERICA are sharp and there are strong rim cud breaks from below the 18 to star 1 and two more from star 2 to star 3. The die defects under the date are clear (once thought to be evidence of a 40 over 39 overdate). Our grade is AU55. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 3 finer, 1 in 64, 1 in 64+, 1 in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $500-UP

Ex Chris McCawley, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 9/2003:882-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 5
1840 N-5 R1 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous light olive and bluish steel brown with peeps of faded mint color on the obverse and 5% of the mellowed red remaining on the reverse. Satiny mint luster covers the planchet and this cent would be flawless if not for a faint swipe of reddish brown toning in the field before the nose. M-LDS, die state c. The recutting at the left top of the 0 in the date is faint and there are thin rim cud beaks at stars 1, 6, and 7. Our grade is MS62, tied for CC#8 in the Grellman census. Estimated Value $800-UP

Ex George Phillips at the 1997 ANA Convention-Phyllis Thompson, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/2010:477-David Lawrence Rare Coins Auction #720, 8/10/2012-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 6
1840 N-6 R1 Large Date, Repunched 40 PCGS graded MS65+ Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous medium chocolate brown and steel with a faint puff of darker toning between stars 7 & 8. Both sides show very subtle hints of lighter brown woodgrained toning and the eye appeal is outstanding. The best identifying marks are a small planchet flake at the dentils under the 0 in the date and another on the rim over the T in UNITED (both as struck). E-MDS, die state b early. The very early die line at the dentil tips over RIC is gone but the recutting on the 40 is sharp and the point to the left from star 13 is clear. A beautiful cent. Noyes photo #37606. Our grade is MS62+, very close to MS63. Tied for CC#13 in the Grellman census. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 1 finer at 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Doug Bird-Gary M. Ruttenberg, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 8/19/1995:270-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2336-Fred Iskra Collection (both lot tickets and Wadlington collection notes included).

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Lot 7
1840 N-7 R3 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous light olive and steel brown with a very subtle hint of sea-green overtone. Satiny mint frost covers this cent and the eye appeal is excellent. The only marks are a tiny spot of light reddish brown toning in the field before the lips, a microscopic tick on the upper lip, and another under the T in CENT. M-LDS, die state c early. The tiny extension up from the top of the 4 is still visible and there are several narrow rim cud breaks under the date to star 13 plus another tiny one on the rim below star 12. Our grade is MS62, tied for CC#2 honors for the variety in the Grellman census. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex J. P. Sarosi-Denis Loring 7/1994-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:9-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:27-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2337-Fred Iskra Collection (3 lot tickets, the collection envelopes of Rasmussen and Brown, and the Wadlington collection notes all included).

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Lot 8
1840 N-8 R1 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty medium brown and chocolate with darker olive brown toning around the inner curl and hints of very faded mint red in protected areas on the reverse. There is a long, thin diagonal nick in the field before the eye and a shallow carbon spot in the dentils over star 5. E-MDS, die state b. The short point down from the throat is still clear but the fine die lines from the dentils at stars 11-13 are gone. Our grade is MS60. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 2 finer, 1 in 65, 1 in 66. Estimated Value $800-UP

Ex Chris McCawley 8/1995-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:29-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:10-Fred Iskra Collection (includes both lot tickets plus the collection envelopes of Brown and Holmes).

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Lot 9
1840 N-9 R3 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown. Lustrous medium steel brown and chocolate with faded mint red showing in protected areas on both sides. No spots or stains, only a few trivial ticks. The notable ones are a thin horizontal nick on the cheek right of the lower lip, a small tick off the upper right point of star 3, and a few nicks between stars 7 & 8. The reverse is essentially flawless. Nicely struck EDS, die state b early (die state a with an uncracked obverse is unknown and may not exist). There are fine, sharp die lines extending down to the left from the dentil tips over MERIC and the always-present die crack from the dentils under star 4 toward the nose is extremely faint and extends only into the field below that star. In addition the portrait is covered with circular pantograph lines mixed with extremely fine die rust (microscopic lumps). A great die state. Our grade is MS62, CC#5 in the Grellman census. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 1 finer in 65. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex Tom Reynolds 4/1995-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:34-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2339-Fred Iskra Collection (both lot tickets plus the Brown collection envelope and Wadlington notes are included).

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Lot 10
1840 N-10 R2 Large Date PCGS graded AU58, CAC Approved. Glossy medium chocolate brown and steel with underlying satiny luster showing through in protected areas. A very attractive cent, just light friction on the highest points of the devices. The only notable mark is a dull diagonal nick left of the upper point of star 11. Very scarce EDS, die state a. The fields are smooth and slightly reflective, the dull die line at the dentil tips over MERIC is clear, and the tiny spur from the top of the E in CENT is visible. Our grade is EF45. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 4 finer, 1 in 58+, 1 in 63, 1 in 65, 1 in 66+ for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $300-UP

Ex Tom Reynolds 4/25/2003-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 11
1840 N-10/11 R2 Large Date PCGS graded AU58+, CAC Approved. Frosty medium chocolate brown and steel. Satiny luster covers the fields and protected areas on both sides and this cent offers excellent eye appeal. No notable defects, just very light wear on the highest points of the devices. M-LDS, die state c (Newcomb's old #11). The point of the curl over the 4 is now sharp and the spur on top of the E in CENT has been reduced to a microscopic lump. Our grade is EF45. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 3 finer, 1 in 63, 1 in 65, 1 in 66+ for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $300-UP

Ex McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 5/29/2005:1688-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 12
1840 N-12 R1 Small Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty light chocolate brown and steel with nearly 10% of the mint red remaining on the obverse, 25% on the reverse. There are about a dozen very tiny specks of darker toning scattered over the obverse fields, the largest of these at star 8, plus traces of an old fingerprint under the date. The only other mark of note is a long, very light nick or planchet void on the jaw. None of these marks is distracting and the eye appeal of this cent is excellent. Nicely struck EDS, die state a, showing radial lines in all of the stars. The die defect under the base of the 1 is obvious and the fine die lines from the dentils over NITE and ER in AMERICA are clear. Our grade is MS60+, tied for CC#2 honors in the Grellman census for the variety. Comes with an old collection pillbox that some think is from the Dr. French collection. Previously graded MS63RB by PCGS, old green PCGS label #1821.63/2649798 included. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Bowers & Merena 9/22/1997:354-Henry T. Hettger, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:1215-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:44-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2341-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the old collection pillbox, the last 2 lot tickets, plus the Brown collection envelope and Wadlington collection notes).

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Lot 13
1840 N-12/13 R1 Small Date PCGS graded AU58. Attractive medium brown and light chocolate. Frosty luster covers the protected areas and there are no notable defects, only light friction on the highpoints. LDS, die state b (Newcomb's old #13). The die defect under the 1 is gone. Our grade is AU50. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 3; 2 finer, 1 in 63, 1 in 64 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $250-UP

Ex Collector's Universe 4/29/2000-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 14
1841 N-2 R2 PCGS graded AU58. Frosty chocolate brown delicately woodgrained with lighter steel brown toning on both sides. The only notable mark is a dull diagonal nick under the earlobe. Otherwise this cent is very nice, nearly flawless. Nicely struck E-MDS, die state a. The die defect lumps at the date are clear. Our grade is EF40. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 2 finer in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $200-UP

Ex Bill Harbison 8/2000-Phyllis Thompson, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/31/2010:486-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 15
1841 N-3 R2 PCGS graded AU53. Frosty steel brown and chocolate delicately woodgrained with lighter brown and tan. The only notable marks are a dull nick on the rim at star 3 and a small patch of microscopic roughness over the O in ONE. LDS, die state d, with die cracks on both sides. Most of the earlier die lines on the reverse are gone, but a few dull ones remain over the N in UNITED. Our grade is EF40. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 2 finer, 1 in 58, 1 in 63 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $150-UP

Ex Tom Reynolds 6/10/2003-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 16
1841 N-4 R1 PCGS graded MS65 Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous bluish steel brown and light chocolate with traces of faded mint red on the reverse. There is a small, very light nick in the field under star 10 and a tiny planchet flake right of star 1, as struck. Excellent eye appeal for the grade, close to choice. MDS, die state c, with a thin rim cud break under the date and die cracks on both sides. The fine die lines above ERI are mostly visible but the ones under the 4 are dull. Our grade is MS62+, tied for CC#3 in the Grellman census. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; none finer for the variety. Estimated Value $2,000-UP

Ex Del Bland-G. M. "Pat" Patterson, Kagin's 5/6/1988:1248-Tom Reynolds 5/1993-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:59-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:23-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the lot tickets and collection envelopes from Brown and Holmes).

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Lot 17
1841 N-5 R3 VF35. Ten points sharper but there is a small rim dent under the 18 plus several tiny rim nicks on both sides. Glossy mix of medium brown and darker chocolate with a couple splashes of darker reddish chocolate and olive brown on the obverse. Satiny mint frost covers the fields and protected areas on the reverse. LDS, die state d, with die cracks on both sides. Estimated Value $100-UP

Ex John Worobetz (eBay) 5/16/2002-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 18
1841 N-6 R1 PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Beautiful lustrous light olive and steel brown with traces of faded mint color remaining visible on the obverse. The surfaces are satiny and virtually flawless offering outstanding eye appeal. The only mark is a tiny planchet flake on the cheek below the eye, as struck. EDS, die state a, showing sharp die lines in the field at the neck and lighter lines from the dentils over TE in STATES and ER in AMERICA. This coin was used as the model for the early die state description of the variety in the 2001 Grellman reference. The strike is sharp except for star 13 and the curl above, and similar weakness shows in the opposing leaves over the E in ONE. Our grade is MS63, tied for CC#3 in the Grellman census. Noyes photo #37582. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 4; tied for finest of the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Del Bland-Jack Beymer-Michael Graham (known as "Mr. 1841")-Gary M. Ruttenberg, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 8/19/1995:281-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2347-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Ruttenberg collection envelope with annotation by Grellman, both lot tickets, and the Wadlington collection notes).

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Lot 19
1841 N-7 R2 PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous bluish steel brown with 15-20% of the slightly faded mint color remaining, mostly on the reverse. There is a tiny, very light scratch that barely breaks the satiny mint frost in the field between star 1 and the neck and some slightly darker olive brown toning over star 10. The only other marks are a couple small, very shallow planchet laminations at the stem tip and near the U in UNITED, as struck. Otherwise this cent is choice and flawless, and the eye appeal remains excellent. M-LDS, die state c, with a die crack from the dentils below star 1 into the field extending halfway up to the throat where is fades out. The two die lumps under the date are faint, barely visible. Our grade is MS60+. Tied for CC#7 overall and second finest of those few high-grade examples known with a cracked obverse in the Grellman census. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; 2 finer,1 in 65, 1 in 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex Louis Ullian, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2000:355-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:75-Bowers & Merena 12/2/2004:229-Chris McCawley 8/18/2006-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:30-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Holmes collection envelope and the last 2 lot tickets).

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Lot 20
1842 N-1 R3 Small Date VF30. Slightly sharper but there is a rim bruise over AM in AMERICA. Otherwise this cent is choice and the eye appeal remains outstanding for the grade. Glossy medium brown and light chocolate. M-LDS, die state b. The small lump (hub defect) under the 4 is gone but the lump under the 1 is still visible. Estimated Value $100-UP

Ex NTL (eBay) 1/22/2008-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 21
1842 N-2 R1 Small Date PCGS graded MS62 Brown. Lustrous bluish steel brown and chocolate with faded mint color in protected areas, especially on the obverse. Satiny mint frost covers this cent and the eye appeal is excellent. The only marks, and they are quite faint, are a few barely visible hairlines on the cheek and neck plus two tiny specks of darker toning right of star 4. MDS die state b. The hub defects under the date are weak but visible and the die lines from the dentils over ERI in AMERICA are gone. Our grade is MS60, tied for CC#13 in the Grellman census. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 5 finer, 4 in 64, 1 in 65+ for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $400-UP

Ex Becker & Kuenhert 4/1991-J. R. Grellman Collection-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:82-William Simonson 5/5/2009-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Grellman and Brown collection envelopes and the Brown lot ticket).

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Lot 22
1842 N-3 R3 Large Date EF40. Sharpness near mint state but there is an area of very fine roughness in the field before the portrait plus a few small spots of similar roughness on the reverse. Otherwise the surfaces are frosty and attractive. Recolored light olive and steel brown. MDS, die state b. The fields are covered with microscopic radial die flowlines and the early die line at UNI is gone. Estimated Value $100-UP

Ex Don Valenziano 6/26/2009-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 23
1842 N-4 R2 Large Date PCGS graded MS63 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty steel and light olive brown with underlying faded red covering at least 20% of both sides. Possibly lightly dipped long ago but the toning is attractive and the eye appeal is excellent. The only notable marks are a small spot of darker toning on the upper lip, a few microscopic ticks in the field before the portrait, and a few tiny nicks above the head between stars 6 & 7. The reverse is choice. Nicely struck M-LDS, die state b late, showing radial lines in all the stars. The fine die lines from the dentils over MERI are gone but the tiny point up to the left from the neck near the throat is still visible. Our grade is MS60+, CC#6 for the variety in the Grellman census. Comes with an impressive provenance. The attribution and Brown-Boka provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer for the variety at either service. Estimated Value $500-UP

Ex George Davis, Stack's 4/1954:1747-Dr. James O. Sloss, Abe Kosoff 10/21/1959:217-R. E. Naftzger, Jr.-Del Bland-R. S. Brown, Jr., Superior 9/30/1986:943-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:28-Jon A. Boka, Heritage 9/8/2011:3066-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Naftzger, Brown, Rasmussen, and Boka collection envelopes plus the lot envelope from the Sloss sale and lot tickets from the Brown, Rasmussen, and Boka sales). The Sloss auction envelope also served as the Naftzger collection envelope.

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Lot 24
1842 N-5 R3 Large Date PCGS graded MS63 Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous frosty medium steel brown and light olive with nearly a third of the planchet showing faded mint red, mostly on the reverse. Has to be very close to an "RB" designation by PCGS. The only notable marks are a small planchet flake in the field right of star 2, another just right of the upper lip, and a third on the bust (all as struck, of course). Only the flake right of star 2 is visible without the aid of a strong glass and the eye appeal of this cent is outstanding. MDS, die state a late. The fine diagonal die lines from the upper part of the neck are faint but still visible, as is the tiny point from the dentils between the E & R in AMERICA. The top of the stray 4 punched into the dentils below the left edge of the normal 4 is clear. A beautiful cent, better than the PCGS grade might suggest. Our grade is MS63, tied for CC#2 honors in the Grellman census. And it comes with a very nice provenance. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 3 finer, 1 in 64, 1 in 64+, 1 in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $2,000-UP

Ex Willard C. Blaisdell 9/1976-Del Bland-R. E. Naftzger, Jr.-R. S. Brown, Jr., Superior 9/30/1986:945-R. E. Naftzger, Jr., 1990 EAC Sale, lot 286-Marvin Hall-Tom Reynolds-Vic Mrozek (via Tom Reynolds) 9/18/2014-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Blaisdell, Naftzger, and Brown collection envelopes plus the Brown lot ticket).

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Lot 25
1842 N-6 R1 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown. Faded mint red mellowing to light steel brown, about a third of the faded red remaining. Looks perfectly flawless to the unaided eye, but a strong glass and just the right light angle reveals microscopic hairlines on the reverse thanks to a too vigorous brushing. The best identifying marks are a small splash of slightly darker steel toning at the bottom of the 1 and a few tiny specks of darker toning right of star 4. MDS, die state b. The lump in the field at the upper lip is weak but visible and the one at the lower curl is virtually gone. Our grade is MS62, tied for CC#8 in the Grellman census. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 4 finer, 2 in 65, 2 in 66. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Hollinbeck Kagin 1973 MANA Sale, 11/2/1973:1001-Doug Bird 11/1994-Walter Dudgeon 6/1998 (via J. R. Grellman)-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:97-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:38-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the collection envelopes of Brown and Holmes plus the lot tickets from all 3 sales).

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Lot 26
1842 N-6/10 R1 Large Date PCGS graded AU55. Glossy medium brown with a hint of lighter steel overtone on the reverse. Smooth and very attractive for the grade, just lightly worn. LDS, die state d (Reiver's old "N-10"). The lumps on the obverse are gone and there is a tiny new lump near the leaf right of the bottom of the E in ONE. Our grade is EF40. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 3; 5 finer, 1 in 64, 2 in 65, 2 in 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $200-UP

Ex Heritage 5/28/2006:7081-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 27
1842 N-7 R3 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Very attractive lustrous olive and bluish steel brown with 10% of the mint color remaining on the obverse, 25% on the reverse. The only marks are a small spot of darker toning at the bottom of star 7 and another inside the top of the E in LIBERTY. MDS, die state b early. Most of the die lines at ME in AMERICA are still visible. Nicely struck for this variety. The hair details at the top of the ear are nearly full, which is quite unusual. Our grade is MS63, tied for CC#3 in the Grellman census. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/2011:994-Chris McCawley 12/27/2012-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 28
1842 N-8 R1 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty bluish steel and olive with ample faded mint color showing in protected areas on both sides. The surfaces are covered with satiny mint frost and the eye appeal is outstanding. The only notable marks are a spot of slightly darker toning right of the date, another hidden in the hair over the E in LIBERTY, and one across the top of the second T in STATES. MDS, die state b. The die lines joining ONE and CENT are gone but the point up to the right from the right top of the E in CENT is clear. Our grade is MS62, tied for CC#7 in the Grellman census. Comes with a nice provenance. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; 1 finer in 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex Henry C. Hines-Judge Thomas Gaskill, New Netherlands Coin Co. 6/19/1958:1243-R. E. Naftzger, Jr., 1990 EAC Sale, lot 288-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:33-March Wells, 2008 EAC Sale, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 5/10/2008:544-Greg Hannigan-Adam Mervis, Heritage 1/10/2014:2241-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the collection envelopes of Naftzger, Rasmussen, and Wells plus the lot tickets from the EAC and Heritage sales).

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Lot 29
1842 N-9 R2 Large Date PCGS graded MS64 Brown. Glossy medium brown and chocolate with a couple tiny splashes of slightly darker chocolate toning in the field before the face. No contact marks, but there is a small planchet flake on the front edge of the eyebrow that can help identify this cent. MDS, die state b. The die lines from the dentils over ER in AMERICA are gone and a small point has been added down from the base of N in ONE. Sharply struck and very attractive for the grade. Our grade is MS62, CC#5 in the Grellman census. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 6; 1 finer in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex Doug Bird 4/1/1992-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:34-Chris McCawley 9/1998-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:110-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:43-Fred Iskra Collection (Possibly also ex Anderson Dupont, Stack's 9/24/1954, lot 831.) (Includes the collection envelopes of Brown and Holmes plus the lot tickets from the Rasmussen, Brown, and Holmes sales).

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Lot 30
1843 N-2 R1 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded MS65 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty steel brown and light chocolate with a hint of bluish steel overtone. Peeps of mint red remain visible in protected areas on the reverse. Satiny mint frost covers the planchet and this cent offers outstanding eye appeal. The only marks are a few tiny spots of slightly darker olive brown toning at star 7 and a shallow planchet flake on the rim right of star 9 (as struck). EDS, die state a, with a small but strong triangular lump under the right side of the 1. Our grade is MS63. Tied for CC#3 of the variety but finest of the early die state in the Grellman census. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; none finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Doug Bird 12/1994-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:111-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2358-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Brown collection envelope and both lot tickets.

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Lot 31
1843 N-2 R1 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded AU58, CAC Approved. Glossy medium golden brown and light olive. The only marks are a thin diagonal nick under star 3, a hairline scratch in the field behind the portrait, and a couple tiny spots of darker chocolate brown toning near star 7. E-MDS, die state a late or b early, with rim cud breaks at UN and I in UNITED. The rim cud breaks are weak but visible, the triangular lump under the 1 is very dull, and the spur from the base of the N in ONE is still clear. Our grade is AU50. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 4 finer, 2 in 63, 2 in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $250-UP

Ex Chris McCawley 1/5/2004-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 32
1843 N-3 R3 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Lustrous light to medium chocolate brown with traces of faded mint color remaining on the reverse. A faint splash of very slightly darker chocolate toning covers the field under star 5 and a small spot of dark toning is located on the rim below the wreath ribbon. The surfaces are satiny and this cent offers excellent eye appeal. M-LDS, die state b late. The die lines over ER in AMERICA are dull but some remain visible. Our grade is MS60, tied for CC#5 in the Grellman census, and it comes with a nice provenance. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer at PCGS for the variety. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex R. S. Brown, Jr., Superior 9/30/1986:953-Dr. Thomas S. Chalkley, Superior 1/28/1990:891-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:37-Evan Kopald, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 9/20/2010:1054-Chris McCawley 12/27/2012-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 33
1843 N-4 R1 Obverse of 1842, Reverse of 1844 PCGS graded MS63 Brown, CAC Approve. Attractive lustrous bluish steel brown with hints of underlying very faded mint red in a couple protected areas. The only defects are a small, very light nick on the jaw, a tiny rim nick under the right side of the 8, and a small planchet flake close under the N in ONE. Sharply struck EDS, die state a. The short die lines from the dentils at stars 11-13 and the small lump under the base of the 1 are all clear. A beautiful example of the popular "Obverse of 1842/Reverse of 1844" variety. Our grade is MS62. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 9 finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex Gary Groll, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/24/2003:307-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:48-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Holmes collection envelope and both lot tickets).

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Lot 34
1843 N-4 R1 Obverse of 1842, Reverse of 1844 PCGS graded MS62 Brown. Glossy light olive and chocolate brown with subtle overtones of light bluish steel and sea green. Just a few trivial marks, none notable. A minor planchet void on the rim between stars 11 & 12 can help identify this cent. Sharply struck E-MDS, die state b, with a weak rim cud break under the 1. The hub defect lump under the base of the 1 and the die lines from the dentils at star 12 are very weak but still visible. This cent is pictured on Plate XI in the Newcomb book on the cents of 1816-1857. Our grade is AU58+, very close to mint state. And it comes with a nice provenance. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; 10 finer at PCGS for the variety. Estimated Value $600-UP

Ex Howard R. Newcomb, J. C. Morgenthau & Co. 5/16/1945:731-Floyd T. Starr, Stack's 6/13/1984:427-Herman Halpern, Stack's 3/16/1988:555-unknown-Stack's 6/7/1990:1263-Marvin Hall (via eBay) 3/23/2011-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the last 3 lot tickets).

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Lot 35
1843 N-4 R1 Obverse of 1842, Reverse of 1844 PCGS graded AU53. Frosty light chocolate and steel brown. Smooth and attractive, just lightly worn. The best identifying marks are two closely-spaced parallel nicks right of star 4 and a dull nick on the jaw over the throat. MDS, die state c. The lump under the 1 and die lines at star 12 are gone but the points up from the left top of the N in ONE are clear. Our grade is VF35+, close to EF40. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 12 finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $200-UP

Ex David Lawrence Rare Coins 6/26/2009-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 36
1843 N-5 R1 Mature Head, Large Letters PCGS graded AU58. Attractive glossy medium chocolate brown and steel. Satiny mint luster covers the protected areas and this cent offers excellent eye appeal. No spots or stains, only small contact marks. The notable marks are a long, thin vertical nick in the field before the nose, a small nick on the throat, and a tiny rim nick over star 7. E-MDS, die state b. The die lines over MER are dull but clearly visible. Our grade is EF45. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 3 finer, 2 in 62, 1 in 63 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $300-UP

Ex 2007 EAC Sale, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 4/28/2007:468-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 37
1843 N-6 R1 Mature Head, Large Letters Repunched 18 PCGS graded MS64 Brown. Lustrous light olive and steel brown with 10% of the mellowed mint red remaining on both sides. Nicely struck with excellent eye appeal. The notable marks are a very shallow planchet flake in the field right of the hair bun and a small spot of shallow carbon on the left side of the N in CENT. MDS, die state b, showing a very narrow rim cud break at star 13 (which is difficult to see in the slab). The repunching on the bottom of the 18 remains visible. Our grade is MS62, tied for CC#10 in the Grellman census. A nice example of the Mature Head version of 1843 cents. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; 2 finer, 1 in 65, 1 in 65+. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex Evan Kopald, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 9/20/2010:1055-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 38
1843 N-8 R3 Petite Head, Small Letters, Repunched Date PCGS graded MS65 Brown, C. Very attractive lustrous light olive and steel with traces of mint red on the obverse and 10% of the reverse showing mint color. This cent offers great eye appeal. The only marks are an easily missed scrape well hidden in the dentils at star 1 and some darker toning on the leaf under the T in CENT. Otherwise this cent is choice, virtually flawless. Sharp EDS, die state a. There is no crumbling under the nose and the fine die line at the inner curl is clear. The repunching on the 184 is clear as well. In fact the repunching is so sharp that you can see the base of the 1 was triple punched. A beautiful example of a variety that is difficult to find in top grades. Our grade is MS62+, very close to MS63, and CC#3 in the Grellman census. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; tied for finest graded of the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex S. G. Rare Coins 6/6/1988-Doug Bird 9/1990-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:134-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2363-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Brown collection envelope, Wadlington collection notes, and both lot tickets).

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Lot 39
1843 N-9 R3 Petite Head, Small Letters Repunched 843 PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC. Frosty medium steel brown and chocolate with 10% of the mint red remaining on both sides. Satiny and very attractive, void of any spots or stains. The notable marks are a very shallow planchet flake in the field before the nose and a smaller flake over the right corner of the eye (both as struck). LDS, die state c, with several rim cud breaks on the obverse and a smaller rim cud break over the U in UNITED. The repunching on the 843 is dull but remains visible. A very nice example of a die variety that is difficult to find in high grade. Our grade is MS62+, close to MS63, and CC#3 for the variety in the Grellman census. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex Heritage Auction #1138 (Feb-Mar 2010), lot 150-Chris McCawley 1/18/2012-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 40
1843 N-10 R3 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded MS64 Brown. Frosty golden light brown and olive with traces of faded mint red on both sides, particularly on the reverse. Subtle hints of bluish steel overtone show on the reverse. The luster is subdued a bit by a thin layer of natural oxidation but the eye appeal remains excellent. The notable marks are a tiny speck of carbon or crud in the field near the dentils under star 4, a razor-thin streak of dark toning on the cheek right of the nostril, and a light nick across the bottom of the 8. EDS, die state a. The tiny spur up from the top of the E in CENT is sharp and clear and the second microscopic lump under that N has not formed. Our grade is MS60, tied for CC#3 in the Grellman census behind the two Ted Naftzger examples sold in our September 2009 sale. Estimated Value $1,000-UP

Ex Heritage Auctions #1144, 9/23/2010:3103-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 41
1843 N-11 R2 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded MS64+ Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty light bluish steel brown with traces of the mint red remaining on the obverse, 20% on the reverse. The obverse displays a hint of delicate woodgrained toning. The fields are satiny and this cent is very attractive. No spots, stains, or notable marks. MDS, die state c, with a die crack from the dentils through I in AMERICA to the wreath below. The hair at the top of the ear and several of the upper stars are not quite fully struck up. Otherwise this cent is choice. Our grade is MS60+. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1;1 finer in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Tom Reynolds, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 9/5/2004:1033-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:62-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Holmes collection envelope and both lot tickets).

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Lot 42
1843 N-12 R1 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded AU55. Very attractive glossy medium brown and light chocolate. Satiny mint frost covers the protected areas and this cent offers excellent eye appeal. The only defects are a tiny rim bruise at star 13 and a dark olive brown spot of extremely faint roughness under the N in CENT. Sharply struck E-MDS, die state b. The die lines from the dentils over ERIC are faint and a shallow but clearly defined rim cud break shows over the U in UNITED. Our grade is EF45. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 3 finer, 1 in 58, 1 in 64, 1 in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $200-UP

Ex Tom Reynolds 3/28/2005-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 43
1843 N-15 R3 Petite Head, Small Letters PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Very attractive lustrous bluish steel and medium chocolate brown. Satiny mint frost covers this cent and the eye appeal is outstanding. The only defects are numerous microscopic planchet lamination flakes in the obverse fields, none visible without the aid of a strong glass, plus a small planchet chip high on the cheekbone (all as struck). The reverse is flawless. Sharply struck E-MDS, die state a. The lines at the inner and main curls are sharp but the very fine die line under the right top of the N in ONE is faint. In addition there is what was once thought to be a clearly defined rim cud break at the bottom of the reverse. It is quite deceptive but it is not a rim cud; rather it was created by an uneven amount of planchet metal on the edge of the planchet. Our grade is MS60+, tied for CC#3 in the Grellman census. Noyes photo #35985. Comes with a nice provenance. The attribution and Twin Leaf Collection provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; 2 finer, 1 in 65, 1 in 66 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Norm Pullen 5/1987-Doug Bird 7/1987-R. E. Naftzger, Jr., 1990 EAC Sale, lot 299-Tom Reynolds 4/1991-Wes Rasmussen, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 2/8/1998:54-Jack Wadlington (the Twin Leaf Collection), Stack's Bowers 7/16/2015:2369-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Rasmussen collection envelope, the Wadlington collection notes, and the last 2 lot tickets).

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Lot 44
1843 N-16 R4 Mature Head, Large Letters PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty light olive and steel. Satiny mint luster covers the planchet and the eye appeal of this cent is excellent. The only defect is a thin planchet lamination from the dentils over star 4 to the coronet and LIB. Too bad because this cent would have been a beautiful gem example of a tough die variety. Very sharply struck E-MDS with microscopic radial die flowlines in the fields that create the attractive cartwheel luster. Called MS60 and tied for CC#3 in the Noyes census, his photo #31224. Our grade is MS60, tied for CC#4 in the Grellman census. The attribution and Naftzger provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 1 finer in 65 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,500-UP

Ex New Netherlands Coin Co. (privately)-Willard C. Blaisdell 9/1976-R. E. Naftzger, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 9/7/2009:669-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Blaisdell and Naftzger collection envelopes and the Naftzger lot ticket).

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Lot 45
1843 N-17 R5 Mature Head, Large Letters PCGS graded MS64 Red & Brown, CAC Approv. Mint red fading to light steel brown on the highpoints, at least half the original color remaining. There are some insignificant specks of darker toning scattered over the obverse, the largest of these under the junction of the 1 & 8 in the date. The only signs of contact are a thin diagonal nick in the field over the inner hair bun, one more right of the outer hair bun, and a third on the chin. EDS with smooth, prooflike fields on both sides. The beauty of this cent is enhanced when you consider its rarity and the fact that the next finest piece grades only net VF35. Called MS65 and CC#1 in the Noyes census, his photo #31125. Our grade is MS64 prooflike and CC#1 by a very wide margin in the Grellman census. A highlight of this (or any other) collection of large cents. The attribution and Naftzger provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer for the variety at either service. Estimated Value $15,000-UP

Ex Glen Wallace-Ace Reiswig 5/1974-Robert E. Vail (via J. R. Grellman 4/1991)-R. E. Naftzger, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 9/7/2009:670-(via Greg Hannigan) Adam Mervis, Heritage 1/10/2014:2254-Chris McCawley-J. R. Grellman 6/2014-Fred Iskra Collection (Mervis lot ticket included).

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Lot 46
1844 N-1 R1 Repunched 1 PCGS graded MS63 Brown, CAC Approved. Glossy steel and chocolate brown with traces of very faded mint red in protected areas. Nearly choice except for a thin nick on the chin and a small splash of microscopic carbon in the field just below the inner hair bun. EDS but not quite the earliest, die state b. The fields are smooth and slightly reflective but there are several tiny rim cud breaks under the date. Sharply struck and the fine repunching on either side of the base of the 1 is clear. The fine die polishing lines of the earliest state are still visible and the dies are uncracked. Obviously those tiny rim cud breaks occurred very early in the life of the obverse die. Our grade is MS60+. The attribution is noted on the PCGS Label. PCGS population 2; 2 finer in 64 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $500-UP

Ex Del Bland-R. S. Brown, Jr., Superior 9/30/1986:974-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/30/2011:72-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Brown and Holmes collection envelopes and both lot tickets).

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Lot 47
1844/81 N-2 Blundered Date 44 over Inverted 18 PCGS graded MS63 Brown, CAC Appro. Lustrous light bluish steel brown with a faint hints of very faded mint red in protected areas of the obverse. There are a few microscopic ticks on the obverse, none at all distracting or visible without a strong glass. The best identifying mark is a thin horizontal nick on the jaw. M-LDS, die state b. The points at O in ONE and E in CENT are gone. The undertype inverted date remains visible on all 4 digits, strongest on the 44. The strike is well above average for this variety showing only minor weakness on the coronet tip and hair over the ear. A very nice example of this popular "Redbook" variety. Our grade is MS60, tied for CC#6 in the Grellman census. The attribution and Holmes provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; none finer at PCGS for the variety. Estimated Value $4,000-UP

Ex Doug Bird 11/1994-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:169-Daniel W. Holmes, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/16/2015:76-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Brown and Holmes collection envelopes and the Brown lot ticket).

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Lot 48
1844 N-3 R2 Repunched 18 PCGS graded MS63 Brown, CAC Approved. Frosty medium olive brown and steel with faded mint red covering 5-10% of the planchet, mostly on the reverse. Overtones of gunmetal steel blue cover both sides. The only notable mark is a thin but sharp diagonal nick midway between stars 3 & 4. MDS, die state c early. The repunching on the lower half of the 18 is clear and there are some tiny rim cud breaks over stars 8 & 9. The strike is soft at the top of the ear, as always seen on this variety. Otherwise the impression is sharp with full radial lines in all the stars. Our grade is MS60+. The attribution and Iskra provenance are noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; none finer for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $750-UP

Ex Chris McCawley 5/4/2013-Fred Iskra Collection.

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Lot 49
1844 N-4 R2 PCGS graded MS62 Brown. Lustrous light chocolate brown blending to darker chocolate on parts of the obverse. Traces of very faded mint color remain visible in protected areas on the reverse and hints of bluish steel overtone show on both sides. No spots or stains, only a few trivial ticks on both sides. A tiny nick on the left base of the N in ONE is a good identifying mark. LDS, die state d, showing fine cracks through the reverse legend and a thin rim cud at star 5. Nicely struck with radial lines in all the stars and just a hint of softness on the tip of the coronet. Our grade is MS60. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label. PCGS population 1; 1 finer in 64 for the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $400-UP

Ex Evan Kopald, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 9/20/2010:1061-Fred Iskra Collection (lot ticket included).

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Lot 50
1844 N-5 R1 Repunched 44 PCGS graded MS64 Brown, CAC Approved. Glossy light olive and steel brown with 15% of the mint red remaining. The only notable marks are a splash of silvery steel brown toning at the wreath ribbon to UN in UNITED and another below ME in AMERICA. M-LDS, die state c, with a fine die crack through the top of ME in AMERICA. The rim cud from star 1 to under the 18 has not formed. Our grade is MS62+, tied for CC#6 in the Grellman census. An attractive cent that comes with a nice provenance. The attribution and Ralls provenance are shown on the PCGS label. PCGS population 2; tied for finest graded of the variety at PCGS. Estimated Value $1,250-UP

Ex Floyd T. Starr, Stack's 6/13/1984:447-Dr. Philip W. Ralls-Ralls Estate, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 1/2014:834-Fred Iskra Collection (includes the Ralls collection envelope and both lot tickets).

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