Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

The Manuscripts, Collectibles and Space Auction

Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 1117
1980s FLOWN artifacts from all six different Shuttles. Roughly 1" square sealed pockets containing FLOWN material inset in colorful two sided ValentiaSpace & SpaceCoast Cover Service 8"x10" display. Includes Enterprise (ALT cargo bay door insulation), Columbia (solar shield), Challenger (AFSRI blanket), Discovery (payload bay liner), Atlantis (thermal blanket) and Endeavour (inslulating blanket). Only 50 such displays made.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
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Lot 1118
Shuttle, both FLOWN & unflown artifacts (x6). Six different fragments mounted or contained in commercial samples. Includes STS-41G FLOWN surface insulator, STS-42 FLOWN horse collar blanket, STS-61 (Hubble mission) FLOWN payload bay liner, STS-77 FLOWN insulating blanket, thermal insulation tape piece and STS-1 solid rocket booster thermal protective system test sample (1¼" square).
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1119
Medallions containing Shuttle maiden-flight material. Collection of 5 medallions, 4 honoring maiden voyage of a shuttle with each medallion containing launch used metal of that designated maiden Shuttle flight orbiter. Includes Columbia, Challenger, Discovery and Atlantis, respectively. Material came from the Tail Service Mast (TSM) of Shuttle launch complex 39. Fifth medallion honors Port Canaveral, Central Florida's seaport. All are mounted on pre-printed document and framed to 8¼"x10½".
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1120
1990s Shuttle FLOWN artifacts (x4). Four different FLOWN artifacts. Includes STS-54 SSME Dome heatshield fragment (torn & shredded), part #V070-852626-019 SN005; STS-70 insulation type blanket, part #V070-362445-082 with red tag; STS-82 solar shield, part #V070-362445-163 with red tag and lastly, STS-83 GAP filler, part #V070-390067-115 with red tag. All are mounted on 8½"x11" Ken Havekotte COas or on offical NASA report page.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1121
1980s Shuttle FLOWN artifacts & insulation. Two items. First is 8"x10" two sided display with roughly 1" square sealed pockets containing FLOWN artifacts from Columbia (solar shield, STS-87), Challenger (AFRSI blanket, STS-41G), Discovery (payload bay liner, STS-85), Atlantis (thermal blanket, STS-86) and Endeavour (insulating blanket, STS-77). Second item is two 6" long pieces of felt reusable surface insulation (FRSI) "Nomex" used on Shuttle-wing surfaces & payload bay doors, both mounted on Ken Havekotte COA.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1122
1980s Shuttle payload & general support computer. Black 11"x15" heavy computer, part #9007509-1/C, s/n MD006, may have been flown, but this cannot be confirmed though the computer has over a dozen blue Velcro pieces attached that usually indicates that is was likely FLOWN. Ken Havekotte COA included.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1123
1980s-2000s Shuttle Minolta Spotmeter, likely FLOWN. Model M, NASA part #SED33102470-302 s/n 1015 is stamped onto rear of the meter. Also bears white stenciling hidden under long blue velcro used for attaching part to Shuttle bulkhead. Also bears instruction label listing steps for astronaut use. Meter used in conjunction with Hasselblad 70mm space camera. Meter was purchased as NASA surplus. Detailed COA and photocopy of owner's manual included.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1124
2000s NASA custom ordered Nikon FS EVA space camera, likely FLOWN. Class I flight hardware, NASA part #SEF33110611-307 serial #1038 label on back of camera. Nikon delivered 35 of these modified cameras to NASA around 1999. Includes Nikon Multi-Control Function Data Back MF-28 to record date, time & other info onto film at time of exposure. Flight history of this camera is not available but probably FLOWN. Includes NASA pink parts bag. Excellent condition and is fully functional with addition of batteries. Original NASA cost $2432. F5 purchased as NASA surplus. Detailed COA included.
Estimated Value $600 - 800.
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Lot 1125
2000-08 Sony PD 100A camcorder, likely FLOWN. Class I flight hardware, NASA part #SDZ39129262-303 s/n 1003, includes NASA pink parts bag. Flight history of this camcorder is unavailable but probably FLOWN. Does not include power cord, tape cassette or battery (all 3 can still be purchased on internet) but does include PDF of instruction manual. Original cost $2198. Excellent condition. Detailed COA included.
Estimated Value $500 - 750.
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Lot 1126
1980s Hasselblad DE 32 data module asssembly. NASA part #SEF 33101018-322 S/N 1012 that was probably FLOWN in space during Shuttle program. Module assembly is attached to top of Hasselblad 70mm film Data Recording Magazine DM-100/200 (not included in lot). Assembly prints 32 alphanumeric characters along edge of 70mm film frame at time of exposure. These printed characters include record date, Greenwich Mean Time, film roll and other data. There is no available flight history on this assembly but given its class I flgiht status it was probably used on one or more missions. Includes original NASA parts bag & tag. Requires battery that is not included. Module assembly in good condition and was purchased as NASA surplus. COA included.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1127
Shuttle technician booties. Pair of red & white booties worn by technicians inside Space Shuttle orbiters. These were sold along with technician's overalls at auction at NASA's Ransom Road facility. Attested by 'DW 7/13", Dale Harley, retired Shuttle complex engineer.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 1128
  1980s Shuttle fit check tile. Fit check tiles were used on the Orbiter bodies to verfy the fit before the actual tiles were fabricated. This particular example is approximately 5¾"x5¾"x2¼" in size. Part #V070-395013-066. Additional identification reads AFT-9-02-0576/TP T9B211/OML PMI 5/83. Seldom offered Shuttle hardware.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 1129
1970s Shuttle wing leading edge radiant heating test hardware. Fascinating offering that includes two prototype electrodes, the original drawings for the hardware as designed by the consignor, a graphite material sample used for heater strips and additional collateral that includes Discovery magazine with article germain to the testing. Hardware was used to "…perform thermal/vacuum certification tests on a full size section of the Shuttle wing leading edge…. Important testing of Shuttle tiles. Consignor's design as depicted in drawings reflect the changes that needed to be made to get hardware to work successfully. One of the electrodes is soldered and other is not so it can be taken apart for examination. Electrode pieces are overall max size 5"x9¼"x¾" and graphite is ¾"x3/8"x8½". Detailed consignor COA included.
Estimated Value $350 - 400.
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Lot 1130
1988-91 Shuttle crew signed launch covers. Crew signed launch covers for STS-26, STS-27, STS-39 & STS-40. Latter two missions signed over two covers each. Total of 6 covers. All bold signatures.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1131
1982 STS-5 Operational Flight Rules Annex. Original manual used in mission control in Houston in prep and during mission Three hole punched manual with over 190 pages of instructions, & charts and divided into 9 sections and 2 appendices. Sections include Payload Flight Operations, PAM, SBS and so on.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1132
1989 STS-28 FLOWN Shjuttle nose gear tire section. Irregularly shaped FLOWN tire section, 2"x1½"x¼", that came from one of the two tires that flew not only on STS-28, Columbia, but also on STS-27, Atlantis, in 1988. Ken Havikotte COA included.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1133
1984 STS-41D crew signed NASA color litho. Crew portrait litho, 8"x10", with bold signatures of Walker, Resnik, Mullane, Hawley, Hartsfield & Coats. Judy Resnik was killed during the STS-51L disaster.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1134
1995 STS-69 FLOWN cargo bay liner piece. Used piece of payload bay liner,MBO 135-27, Form GW Bay 1, measures roughly 40"x28½"" and is neatly folded. One of the larger FLOWN bay liner pieces we have seen. Corner piece excised and with usual frayed edges.
Estimated Value $600 - 800.
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Lot 1135
1997 STS-82 large FLOWN bay liner piece. Used piece of payload pay liner from STS-82, measures 24"x7½" and is folded. Seldom offered in a size this large. Ken Havekotte COA.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1136
1997 STS-85 FLOWN liner. FLOWN arc-shaped liner piece, approximately. 45"x10", with red tag noting part #V828-360236-001. Marked 'scrap' in red.300 Flown 12 days in 190 Earth orbits. Support paper work included.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1137
1997 STS-85 large FLOWN blanket. FLOWN blanket, 28½"x34½" on STS-85. Part #V828-360137-018. Flown 12 days in 190 Earth orbits. Includes red tag. Nice large piece of FLOWN blanket.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1138
1997 STS-85 FLOWN small blanket. FLOWN 4¼"x4" blanket aboard STS-85, part #V828-360180-001, with small parts tag and red parts tag plus support documention.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 1139
1997 STS-86 FLOWN NASA transfer bag. Class I 19"x14"x8" hardware FLOWN on STS-74, 79, 81 & 86. NASA part #SDD46112873-711 serial #1020 as labeled on side. Bag was used during Phase 1 Shuttle-MIR program. Bag with two brass zippers on one side & large clear, probably acetate, see-thru top so that contents are visable. Also includes large NASA pink parts bag, NASA ID tag, NASA flight history report & three 4"x6" photos of cotainer content cards, two of which are in English and one in Russian. Original NASA cost $1444.44. Excellent condition with couple of minor marks. Detailed COA included.
Estimated Value $400 - 600.
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Lot 1140
1997 STS-86 FLOWN blanket. FLOWN 33"x47" used thermal protective blanket that is believed to be installed in crew compartment area. Part #V070-366515-055, blanket identified as #421-1401. FLOWN blankets are rarely seen this large.
Estimated Value $750 - 1,000.
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Lot 1141
1997 STS-86 FLOWN silver insulation. FLOWN odd shaped silver insulation, max size 11½"x11" with red and gold tags. Part #73A847013-2118, s/n 61183965. Flown 11 days in space in 170 Earth orbits. Support documentation included.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1142
1998 STS-89 FLOWN-used Shuttle Endeavour insulation. Space Shuttle 10"x15"x4" insulation from Endeavour that last flew on STS-89. This shuttle bulk-head like insulation (Part #V070-199868-002, s/n 25167-005) was part of Endeavour's elevon wing structure assembly and may well have been used since first flight in 1992. Accompanied by red parts tag and Ken Havekotte COA.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1143
2000 STS-99 FLOWN TLS thermal blanket. FLOWN 26"x10" thermal blanket from STS-99 mission with red parts tag. Part #V070-362013-012. Flown for 11 days in 181 Earth orbits. Support documentation included.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
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Lot 1144
2000 STS-99 FLOWN TCS solar shield. Blanket strip, 25"x2", with snaps and red tag tag bearing Part #V073-360068-001. FLOWN for more than 11 days in 181 Earth orbits. Support documentation included. Interesting looking piece.
Estimated Value $200 - 300.
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Lot 1145
2001 STS-108 FLOWN Hassalblad DE-32 data module assembly. NASA part #SEF33101018-322 S/N 1053 FLOWN on 15 Shuttle flights that include STS-49, 53, 54, 56, 68, 72, 79, 81, 88 (first Shuttle ISS assembly flight), 90, 92, 96, 99 and 108. Data module assembly prints 32 alphanumeric characters along edge of 70mm film frame at time of exposure. These printed characters include record date, Greenwich Mean Time, film roll and other data. NASA parts tag, original NASA bag & NASA flight history included. Assembly in good condition and was purchased as NASA surplus. Detailed COA included.
Estimated Value $350 - 500.
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Lot 1146
2002 STS-112 FLOWN Hasselblad 70mm data recording film magazine DM-100/200. NASA part #SEF33101018-305 S/N 5066 FLOWN on 11 Shuttle flights that include STS-61 (Hubble service mission), 75, 89 (MIR docking), 91 (final MIR docking), 92, 93, 95 (John Glenn mission), 98, 105 (ISS docking), 109 (Hubble servicing mission and last successful Columbia mission) and 112 (ISS docking). Magazine was part of Hasselblad 553 ELS Space Camera (not included in this lot). Includes NASA parts tag, original NASA parts bag and NASA flight history report. In good condition and was purchased as NASA surplus. Original NASA cost $2590. Detailed COA included.
Estimated Value $500 - 600.
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Lot 1147
2002 STS-112 Flown Sony PDA 100A camcorder. Class I flight hardware NASA part #SDZ 39129262-3 s/n 1005 FLOWN on STS-112 mission. Parts label removed from top of camcorder prior to NASA disposal. Part no & s/n can be seen on label included with camcorder. Does not include power cord, tape cassette or battery but these are still available for sale on the internet. Camcorder in excellent condition and was purchased as NASA surplus. Original NASA cost $2005. Detailed COA included along with PDF of instruction manual.
Estimated Value $500 - 750.
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Lot 1148
Shuttle FLOWN parachute line cutter. FLOWN part form Shuttle solid rocket booster assembly. Heavy, metal, 9"x2"x1" hardware sprayed with red paint by NASA technician indicating it was flown and was not to be reused. These cutters use an explosive charge applied to a metal guillotine blade to sever the main chute's reefing lines. Engraved on surface is information including part no, "10 Sec Delay Cutter" and other identifications. Some lettering has worn off. COA included.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
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Lot 1149
Shuttle FLOWN parachute line cutter. FLOWN part form Shuttle solid rocket booster assembly. Heavy, metal, 9"x2"x1" hardware sprayed with red paint by NASA technician indicating it was flown and was not to be reused. These cutters use an explosive charge applied to a metal guillotine blade to sever the main chute's reefing lines. Engraved on surface is information including part no, "10 Sec Delay Cutter" and other identifications. COA included.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1150
1984-2000s Shuttle SpaceLab Hardware. Interesting group of more than 25 pieces, 5 without parts tag. Most impressive item is a Line impedance simulation network, 15"x10"x7", type 8312-4-TS-15-BP and is largest item. Also includes 5" Y duct assembly (air supply), pile 2" wide blue fasteneer tape roll, 1" white hook #88 tape roll, duct brackets, cylinder bracket, spacers, corner post and VCD shims. COA & support material included.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1151
1980s-2000s SpaceLab Hardware. More than 15 hardware pieces with many of them showing signs of usage indicating that they were FLOWN although flight status documentation is not available. Many with part numbers and/or tags. Dimensions range from 2" to 28½". Includes wide band signal conditioner, cross brace, IRS-panel, aft extension bracket, O2 line & other tubing, EPSP access panel, port side SEBS bracket, close out cover, instrument pointing system (IPS) solar blanket, interesting looking cable (see photo) and other items. Interesting group.
Estimated Value $600 - 800.
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Lot 1152
1990s-2000s Shuttle FLOWN small size hardware pieces (x6). Six different small FLOWN hardware pieces. Includes STS-42 Iconel (damaged from flight), STS-52 thermal barrier, STS-52 aft bracket, STS-83 GAP filler, STS-85 metal channel and STS-104 L/H side APU mod. All but STS-104 item with paperwork, yellow or red parts tag or both. Max dimension for any piece is 4½".
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1153
1980s-90s Shuttle FLOWN hardware. Two (2) pieces that include a FLOWN orbiter body flap oleophobic filter canister (5½" tall, 3" diameter) with red tag (part #0711327-14D) and a likely flown SSME heat sink (7½"diameter, 1¾" wide), numbered ME 2621-075-0740.
Estimated Value $200 - 250.
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Lot 1154
1990s Shuttle FLOWN pressure regulator. Heavy 6' long, max 4½" wide pressure regulator, FSN part #6070-682126-001. Flight status unknown although piece has been sprayed with red paint indicting that it was removed from flight. Includes red parts tag.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
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Lot 1155
1999 KSC metrology psi guage. P/N 45 137755 003 2320-5, KSC P/N 79K801705 REV E, 6" diameter, 5" thick guage used at Kennedy Space Center for ground support of Shuttle missions. 1999 NASA calibration tag. Built by Ashcroft, marked DURAGUAGE/AIS1316 TUBE/& SOCKET.
Estimated Value $150 - 199.
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Lot 1156
1990s-2000s Shuttle small size hardware, likely FLOWN or mission backup. Close to 50 hardware pieces including multiple numbers of bolts. Back up hardware includes STS-40 bolts, STS-42 bracket & flex hose, STS-46 screws, STS-75 bolt catcher caps & Grd straps and two likely FLOWN FES thermal blankets (max 6¼"x6") plus two screw bolts.
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 1157
1990s-2000s Shuttle small size hardware group. Close to 50 Shuttle hardware pieces. Includes seals, spacer, O-ring, rope seal (20" long), blankets, gaskets, strap, shims, male sockets, 4" diameter inlet (SpaceLab), wire holders and more. All with parts tags, paperwork or both.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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Lot 1158
1980s-2000s, Shuttle large NASA thermal control insulating blanket, likely Flown. Blanket measures approximately. 34"x26"x1½" with attachment pins of two different types. Two attached paper labels and one parts ID label covered by gold acrylic Kapton film. There is no flight history for blanket. Probably FLOWN and used as part of passive thermal control system on Shuttle.
Estimated Value $350 - 500.
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Lot 1159
Shuttle bay liner piece. Bay liner piece, max size 34½"x8¼", whose flight statis is unknown. Parts #V070 366488-031. Red tag and support documentation included.
Estimated Value $100 - 150.
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Lot 1160
1984-97 Shuttle FLOWN tomato seeds. Group of 11 NASA packets of tomato seeds. Includes eight space exposed seed packets carried to Space aboard LDEF (Long Duration Exposure Facility) launched April 6, 1984 and deployed by STS-41C. These packets were retrieved by STS-32 in 1990. Packets are from various canisters & layers. Also includes Earth based packet. In addition there is Earth based packet and flown packet from STS-86 mission in 1997.
Estimated Value $250 - 350.
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