Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 88

The Manuscripts, Collectibles and Space Auction

U.S. Statesmen
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 53
Agnew, Spiro T. " I can only reaffirm my innocence to you …."Typed letter signed by Spiro T. Agnew who resigned as Vice-President under Richard Nixon on October 10, 1973 for income tax evasion. Striking a plea-bargain to avoid jail time, he plead guilty and was fined $10,000 with three years probation. Here, three weeks later he sent a letter to Tom Brokaw, then a White House correspondent and the Saturday anchor of NBC Nightly News sadly reaffirming his innocence and that his resignation was the best for the country. "Dear Mr. Brokaw, Your support and encouragement meant a great deal to me. I can only reaffirm my innocence to you and hope, in this complex and confusing situation, that you will try to understand that I believe the actions I have taken are in the best interest of the Nation. Sincerely, Spiro T. Agnew. Letter as matted, is 6" x 6", and is presented in with a photo and plate explaining the history all handsomely framed to 20" x 24".
Estimated Value $300 - 400.
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Lot 54
Bryan, William Jennings (1860-1925) Three-time Democratic presidential nominee (1896, 1900, 1908); Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson; prosecutor in the Scopes Trial. Typed letter signed ("W.J. Bryan") as editor of The Commoner, a weekly magazine Bryan founded in 1899, 2¼ pages, 11 x 8 in., Dec. 4, 1902. With holograph corrections. To Erving Winslow, Anti-Imperialist League, Boston, discussing the Democratic Party, President Cleveland's political positions, the Philippines and imperialism.

In part: "…I am very sorry that I cannot look upon President Cleveland's utterances as you do. I was in Congress when he was president….He was responsible for the demoralized condition of the party in 1896, and his administration has hung like a mill-stone about the neck of the party ever since….My platform of 1900 contained the very things that he now advocates, and yet his influence was thrown to the republican ticket. It is unadulterated hypocrisy….I note what you say in regard to the renewal of the fight on imperialism. I think it is all right to…keep the people posted on the details of the Philippine policy, but if we win the fight it must be on the principle of imperialism….voters cannot be aroused in regard to the details of things that effect [sic] people ten thousand miles away….I believe that it is necessary for the democrats to defend their position on all the questions, leaving to events to determine upon which issue the emphasis shall be laid. To run from any of these questions or to make peace with the enemy would be suicidal….We lost in the western states, but where people fight for a principle they can lose without demoralization, where they make compromises for the sole prupose [sic] of winning, then defeat is disasterous…."
Estimated Value $500 - 700.
Ex William "Bill" Steiner Collection, Smythe, June 6, 1996, lot 328.

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Lot 55
Nixon, Richard M. Typed letter signed as Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California's 12th district to a Dick Cantwell, who evidently requested to assist in the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) investigation of Hollywood and identifying Robert Stripling as the chief investigator. In a reference to a gentleman named Berkov, Nixon writes "The State Department seems to be loaded with people of his type who can't be labelled (sic) as Commies but who seem to have very friendly leanings in that direction…." Letter is dated March 10, 1957 and signed "Dick". Letter is on Nixon's official stationery with his committees listed, Education and Labor and Un-American Activities in top right corner. Letter, 8½" x 11" is nicely framed and matted with original envelope, a photograph of him standing in front of his law partnership's door, and engraved panels; one, "Richard Nixon 37th President" and a panel regarding his involvement against Communists. Handsomely framed to 21" x 30.
Estimated Value $600 - 800.
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Lot 56
Nixon, Richard M. Impressive display of three vintage original pieces from the Nixon presidency all hand signed. The first piece is an invitation for the inauguration of President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice-President Richard Nixon on January 20, 1953 and signed by the vice-president. Also included are two programs one each of his Inauguration Ceremonies Programs one dated January 20, 1969 and the other dated January 20, 1973 both boldly signed. All are beautifully matted and framed to 30" x 36" that include a plate Richard M. Nixon, 37th President of the United States and a handsome oval engraving.
Estimated Value $500 - 800.
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Lot 57
Nixon, Richard M. Signed Oath of Office as Vice-President, 1953. 8" x 6" typed and signed as "Dick Nixon". Nicely presented in frame 21" x 29" with photo and egraved plaques regarding his career as Vice-President under Dwight Eisenhower.
Estimated Value $250 - 300.
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Lot 58
Original Map From The Israel-Egypt Agreement Initialed on September 1, 1975. In January and May 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger engaged in "shuttle diplomacy," a term coined by the members of the media who followed Kissinger on his various short flights among Middle East capitals as he sought to deal with the fallout of the October 1973 war. After three weeks of fighting, a ceasefire found Israeli forces entangled with the Egyptian and Syrian forces. This presented President Richard Nixon and Kissinger with an opportunity to play a lead role in disengaging these armies from one another and possibly laying the groundwork for further steps to peacefully resolve the 25-year conflict. In January 1974, Kissinger helped negotiate the first Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement in eight days, and in May, he arranged a Syrian-Israeli disengagement after a month of intense negotiations. Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy secured one last deal in September 1975 with the conclusion of a second Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement.

Rare copy of the Israel-Egypt Agreement Map, signed by both Yitzah Rabin ("Y. Rabin") and Henry A, Kissinger during the final agreement meeting in Jerusalem on September 1, 1975. The map is tan, black and gray and measures 13 x 18 inches. Rabin has inscribed and signed on the right center margin "To David Kennerly / With best wishes/ Y. Rabin 9.1.75" Kissinger has signed below Rabin, his signature is slightly faded, but still quite discernible. Accompanying the map are 4 candid, black & white photos, taken during Kissenger's meetings in Alexandria with Anwar Sadat and Rabin in Jerusalem, The photographs were taken by Official White House Photographer David H. Kennerly and famed Pulitzer Prize winning photo-journalist, who accompanied Kissenger during his last shuttle trip. Kissinger has also signed and inscribed the photo of the meeting with Rabin in Jerusalem: "To David Kennerly / with high regard / Henry A. Kissinger," Also included is a signed letter of explanation from Kennerly, dated June 15, 2010, outlining the trip to the Middle East with Kissinger. All the items are matted together and handsomely framed to an overall size of 34½ x 36 inches. Fine.
Estimated Value $7,500-UP.
David H. Kennerly, Official White House Photographer.

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Lot 59
Smith, Alfred E (1873 -1944) American statesman who was elected Governor of New York four times and was the Democratic U.S. presidential candidate in 1928. Typed letter signed, as governor, 2 pages, 10½ x 8 in., on gilt embossed State of New York, Executive Chamber letterhead, Albany, January 7, 1924. To John Golden, Hudson Theatre, New York City. Governor Smith writes regarding the constitutionality of the so called 'ticket speculator act.' Light general toning. Horizontal folds. Fine.
Estimated Value $150 - 200.
Ex William "Bill" Steiner Collection.

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Lot 60
[U. S. Statesmen and Politicians] Collection of Signed Calling Cards. Fabulous collection of approximately 210 signed cards of Senators, Congressmen, Ambassadors and Political Leaders (some possibly secretarial), majority on a decorative personal calling card, 2 x 3½". Signatures include :William Averell Harriman, Kenneth Rush, William R. Kinter, Madeleine Albright, Cyrus R. Vance, Spiro Agnew, Dick Cheney, Alexander Haig, Dean Rusk, Warren Christopher, Geraldine Ferraro, Gary Hart, John Dean, Sargent Shriver, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Elizabeth Dole, Edmund Muskie, Barry Goldwater, Bob Dole, Birch Bayh, Jesse Helms, S.I. Hayakawa, Sam Nunn, Charles Percy, Stuart Symington, Orin Hatch, Mike Mansfield, Adlai Stevenson and many others. Contained in a sleeved three ring binder. Overall fine. This incredible collection should be seen to be appreciated.
Estimated Value $500-UP.
Jerry Berg Card Collection.

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Lot 61
[U. S. Statesmen and Politicians] Collection of Signed Calling Cards, Photographs and Letters. Collection of approximately 150 signed cards, of Senators, Congressmen, Ambassadors, Political Activists, Journalists and Leaders (some possibly secretarial), majority on a decorative personal calling card, various sizes (2 x 3½"- 10 x 8"). Signatures include:Cesar Chavez, Betty Friedan, Edwin Meese III, Andrew Young, Hamilton Jordan, Leonard Woodcock, Takeo Fukuda, Julian Nava, Edmond G. Brown, Richard Helms, Liz Smith, Walter Annenberg, James R. Schlesinger, Oliver North, Gary Hart, Piérre Salingert, Jack Kemp, Earl Wilson, John D. Rockefeller, David Brinkley, Abraham D. Beame, William F. Buckley Jr., Eric Sevareid, David Dinkins, John Cameron Swayze, José López Portillo, James G. Watt and many others. With 5 signed photographs of : David Rockefeller, Patrick Moynihan, Edward Kennedy (2), and Joseph Califano, Jr.; Mike Mansfield, signed printed copy of Congressional Record, March 4, 1976, No. 30, announcing his retirement; George C. Wallace, typed letter signed as Governor, on State of Alabama stationery, one page, 10½x 7½", Montgomery, June 17, 1974. To Mr. William Asher regarding a film to be shot on location in Alabama.; and Everett M. Dirksen, typed letter signed, on U.S. Senate stationery, one page, 10½ x 8", Washington, January 14, 1954. To Mr. Albert Harris. Dirksen sends regrets that he will not be able to address a meeting, due to his heavy work schedule. Collection contained in a sleeved three ring binder. Overall fine.
Estimated Value $300-UP.
Jerry Berg Card Collection.

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Lot 62
[U. S. Statesmen and Politicians] Collection of Signed Calling Cards. Collection of 23 signed cards of Senators, Congressmen, Ambassadors and Political Leaders, on decorative personal calling cards, various sizes (3 x 5" - 4¼ x 6½"). Signatures include: Sargent Shriver, Frank Church, Cyrus Vance, Nelson Rockefeller, Al Gore, Jr., William Proxmire, Dan Quayle, Janet Reno, George Murphy and James Baker. Fine.
Estimated Value $250-UP.
Jerry Berg Card Collection.

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