Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 87

September Pre Long Beach

Classic Head Cents
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 215
1808 S-277 R2 Turban Head PCGS graded AU50. The "12-Star" Die State. There are splashes of dark chocolate toning on the reverse, and these areas show traces of extremely faint roughness. Otherwise the surfaces are smooth and the toning is an attractive glossy medium brown and light chocolate. There are four sharp rim nicks on the reverse at TES-OF-AME; otherwise the contact marks are trivial. MDS, Breen state VI. The reverse is cracked and failing at D-STATES, and this failure has caused severe weakness at star 1, thereby creating the popular "12-Star" die state. Our grade is EF40 sharpness net VF30. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value $2,000-UP.
Ex Jack Beymer 2008-John Koebert.

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Lot 216
1808 S-278 R3 Turban Head VF25. Sharpness VF30 or slightly better but lightly cleaned and expertly retoned glossy dark chocolate brown and steel. The surfaces are smooth and the only notable marks are a few small nicks at STA and another nick close over the E in CENT. MDS, Breen state III. Half the obverse dentils remain but most of the dentils on the reverse are gone. Removed from a SEGS slab graded XF40 (label included, and it shows the attribution).
Estimated Value $600-UP.
Ex G. B. C., Inc 12/6/2002-Colonel Steve Ellsworth 7/28/2003-John Koebert.

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Lot 217
1808 S-279 R1 Turban Head F15. Ten points sharper but covered with fine very fine corrosion mixed with microscopic traces of reddish verdigris. No contact marks, and the eye appeal is decent in spite of the imperfect surfaces. Frosty dark steel brown and chocolate. MDS.
Estimated Value $200-UP.
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Lot 218
1809 S-280 R2 Turban Head VF25. Ten points sharper, even better on the reverse, but this cent was very lightly burnished and nicely retoned glossy medium olive brown and steel. No verdigris and the only mark is a small nick on the jawline left of the earlobe. M-LDS Breen state VI. There is a double die crack under ES in STATES and a small dimple over the left upright of the M in AMERICA. Removed from a SEGS slab graded VF30 (label included, and it shows the attribution).
Estimated Value $1,000-UP.
Ex Colonel Steven Ellsworth 1/4/2003-John Koebert.

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Lot 219
1809 S-280 R2 Turban Head F12. Sharpness VF25 but covered with fine roughness, strongest on the obverse. No verdigris. The only notable mark is a planchet chip on the rim under the 9 in the date. Slightly glossy dark steel brown and chocolate.
Estimated Value $300-UP.
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Lot 220
1810/09 S-281 R1 Turban Head Overdate 10 over 09 F15. Sharpness VF30 with very fine roughness under glossy dark olive brown and steel toning. No marks or verdigris. The eye appeal is nice and the overdate feature is clear. Looks better than the grade might imply. MDS.
Estimated Value $200-UP.
Ex Joel Cherry 3/5/2005-John Koebert.

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Lot 221
  Trio of Turban Head Cents, 1810-1814, graded VG8 to VG10. Includes 1810 S-282, 1811 S-287, and 1814 S-295 Plain 4. A decent group of cents for the grade, all glossy brown and chocolate. Lot of 3 coins.
Estimated Value $200-UP.
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Lot 222
1810 S-285 R2 Turban Head PCGS graded XF45. Partial Double Profile. Glossy medium olive brown and chocolate with hints of reddish chocolate toning in protected areas. The surfaces are smooth but there are a few microscopic specks of verdigris on both sides including one between the 8 & following 1 in the date. The only notable contact marks are a couple tiny nicks along the truncation of the bust. M-LDS, Breen state III, with obvious die clashmarks on the reverse. There is a fine double profile on the tip of the nose, upper lip, and chin plus wider doubling along the neck (from die bounce). The obverse is very slightly misaligned to K-11 but the reverse is nicely centered on the planchet. Our grade is EF40. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value $2,000-UP.
Ex Chris McCawley 1/2005-March Wells, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldbergs 2/1/2009:627-Chris McCawley-John Koebert.

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Lot 223
1811/10 S-286 R3 Turban Head, Overdate 11 over 10 VF20. Ten points sharper but there are traces of very fine reddish roughness near the dentils at the top of the obverse and the face has been lightly smoothed. There are a few contact marks as well, including a pair of thin nicks in the hair under the I in LIBERTY, a dull nick on the edge at star 13, and a pair of scratches at the A in STATES. In spite of these defects the eye appeal of this cent remains quite nice. Glossy mix of chocolate and light olive brown. MDS, Breen state II, with die clashmarks right of ONE CENT. The overdate feature is obvious to the unaided eye.
Estimated Value $600-UP.
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Lot 224
1811/10 S-286 R3 Turban Head, Overdate 11 over 10 PCGS graded VF20. Attractive glossy medium chocolate brown with lighter steel brown toning on the devices. The surfaces are smooth and this cent is quite nice for the grade. The only marks are a shallow planchet chip off the bust tip (as struck), and a very tiny rim bruise at the top of the obverse. MDS. The overdate feature is obvious. Our grade is F15. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value $750-UP.
Ex Colonel Steven Ellsworth 11/6/2004-John Koebert.

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Lot 225
1811/10 S-286 R3 Turban Head, Overdate 11 over 10 F15. Glossy medium chocolate brown mixed with some lighter chocolate toning on both sides. No roughness or verdigris, only minor contact marks. A small dig off the bust tip is the only notable defect. MDS A nice cent, and the overdate feature is obvious to the unaided eye.
Estimated Value $400-UP.
Ex Jack Beymer.

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Lot 226
1812 S-288 R2 Turban Head, Large Date VF30+. Sharpness EF40 but there is a small splash of microscopic roughness over star 7 on otherwise smooth, glossy medium brown and light chocolate surfaces. The only other notable marks are a small planchet chip right of star 3 and a thin, light nick at the right bottom of the D in UNITED. LDS, Breen state III, with die clashmarks right of ONE CENT.
Estimated Value $650-UP.
Ex American Heritage Minting-Rod Burress 2009-John Koebert.

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Lot 227
1812 S-288 R2 Turban Head, Large Date F15. Choice glossy chocolate and steel. Very attractive for the grade showing only trivial contact marks and smooth surfaces. A nick left of the O in OF and a minor rim bruise left of the first A in AMERICA are the only notable marks. Nicely struck EDS.
Estimated Value $300-UP.
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Lot 228
1812 S-290 R1 Turban Head, Small Date VF25. Sharpness EF45 with uniform very fine roughness under glossy dark olive brown and steel toning. No verdigris or marks. E-MDS Breen state II, showing die clashmarks on the reverse. Struck very slightly off center to K-7.5 leaving some dentils off the planchet.
Estimated Value $400-UP.
Ex Jim Long 2009-John Koebert.

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Lot 229
1812 S-290 R1 Turban Head, Small Date PCGS Genuine, XF Details, Smoothed. Slightly glossy dark olive brown and steel. No verdigris, but there are traces of shallow roughness in the field above and behind the head, and those areas have been lightly smoothed. No notable contact marks. M-LDS, Breen state III, with die clashmarks on the reverse and the tops of ATES OF flowing into the rim. Struck very slightly off center to K-6. Our grade is VF35+ sharpness net F15.
Estimated Value $300-UP.
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Lot 230
1813 S-292 R2 Turban Head PCGS graded AU50. Choice glossy medium chocolate brown. Smooth and very attractive, essentially flawless. A microscopic pinprick just right of the top of the 3 may help identify this cent. LDS, Breen state V. Half of the dentils on the obverse remain visible but none show on the reverse. Our grade is EF40. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value $2,500-UP.
Ex Greg Reoff 5/22/2004-John Koebert.

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Lot 231
1813 S-292 R2 Turban Head PCGS graded VG10. Glossy dark steel and olive brown. No defects, just worn. The surfaces are smooth. E-MDS. Our grade is VG8.
Estimated Value $100-UP.
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Lot 232
1814 S-294 R1 Turban Head, Crosslet 4 PCGS graded VF30. Glossy medium chocolate brown with slightly lighter steel brown toning on the highpoints. Smooth and attractive showing only minor contact marks consistent with the grade. A small planchet chip near the dentils at the bottom of the reverse may help identify this cent. MDS, Breen state II, showing die clashmarks on both sides. Struck slightly off center to K-4.5 leaving some of the dentils off the planchet. A perfect cent for a mid-grade type set. Our grade is VF25. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value $600-UP.
Ex Mark Simon 11/26/2000-Colonel Steven Ellsworth 2003-John Koebert.

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Lot 233
1814 S-295 R1 Turban Head, Plain 4 PCGS graded AU50. Clipped Planchet with Partial Double Profile. Glossy medium chocolate brown with traces of frosty lighter brown toning on both sides. This cent is choice except for a small dig in the hair above the R in LIBERTY. MDS, Breen state V, with an arcing die crack through the lowest curl and the 8. There is a minor planchet clip affecting the dentils at stars 6 & 7 and the opposing dentils over the U in UNITED. In addition there is a fine double profile on the tip of the nose, upper lip, and chin, plus stronger doubling along the front of the neck (all from die bounce). Our grade is EF40+ sharpness net VF35. The attribution is noted on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value $2,000-UP.
Ex Miguel Lopez 4/25/2004-John Koebert.

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Lot 234
  Date Set of Large Cents, 1795-1857. Grades for the 1795-1814 dates average AG while the 1816 to 1857 cents average G-VG. Some are sharper with defects. Total of 60 pieces. All dates are represented except for 1799, 1804, 1823, and 1829. Two duplicate Draped Bust early dates are included. Lot of 60 coins.
Estimated Value $800-UP.
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Lot 235
"1815" Turban Head Cent G5. The obverse is from an 1812 S-290 with a skillfully altered date while the reverse is from a large cent of undetermined date, probably 1816-1820. While most of the "1815" cents are Turban Head cents with an altered date, this one is a very well made sandwich with the Turban Head obverse inserted into a later date cent with the obverse side hollowed out. A neat fantasy piece to fill that very elusive 1815 hole.
Estimated Value $20-UP.
Ex Joe Gallo-John Koebert.

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