Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 72

February 2-5. 2013

Hunter - Byzantine Coinage
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 4237
Justin I and Justinian I, 527. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople. D N IVSTIN ET IVSTINAN PP AVG. Nimbate, draped figures seated facing of Justin and Justinian on a shared throne represented by uprights and crossbar, their right hands at their breasts, each holding a globus in his left hand; between their heads, a cross; in exergue, CONOB. Reverse: VICTORI - A AVGGG I. Victory standing facing, holding long cross in right hand, globus cruciger in left; to right, star; in exergue, CONOB. Cf. Sear 119 and DO 4 (officina letter). Slightly uneven flan. Very Rare. Lustrous. Superb Extremely Fine.

A Thraco-Roman swineherd from Dardania in Illyricum, Justin found his way to Constantinople after fleeing a barbarian invasion that savaged his land. Joining the army, he rose rapidly thanks to his martial abilities, becoming a general, then commander of the palace guard under Anastasius. Using his position, he was able to secure the throne for himself after Anastasius’ death. Called a "boorish, rude and illiterate soldier" by the historian Procopius, Justin, who spoke barely rudimentary Greek, was a military man who had little knowledge of statecraft.

Understanding his own weaknesses, Justin wisely surrounded himself with advisors he could trust. Chief among these was his nephew, Flavius Petrus Sabbatius: Peter, renamed Justinian at court, who would become one of the most brilliant emperors of the Byzantine empire. When Justin's health began to fail in early 527, he made Justinian co-emperor. This political development was popularly disseminated via the issuance of this join-reign coinage with all its appropriate symbolism. Viewing the number of dies used for this coinage, it served as a major tool in broadcasting the new power structure. Given the rarity of these coins, though, the majority appear to have been melted down.

The remarkable coinage of the brief joint reign of Justin I and his chosen successor Justinian I (April-August 527) was issued from four mints and in an extensive range of denominations. This rare and attractive solidus shows the two nimbate emperors enthroned side by side, while the reverse has the facing Victory type introduced by Justin about 522. This possibly reflects the union with the Church of Rome which laid the foundations for Justinian's later reconquest of Italy.
Estimated Value $4,000 - 6,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4238
Justin I and Justinian I, April-August 527. Gold Solidus (4.48g) minted at Constantinople, third officina. Nimbate figures of Justin and his nephew Justinian seated facing, on a throne with "lyre-curved" sides and straight back bar, wearing chlamys, each with one hand clasped on chest and a globus cruciger in the other, cross above and between them. Reverse: Victoria (Victory) standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger; star in right field below; legend ends: Γ. Cf. DO 7a (legend ends: S); Sear 119. Deep set and boldly defined edge. Very rare. Nearly Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $2,500 - 3,000.
Ex Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4239
Maurice Tiberius, 582-602. Gold Solidus (4.5g) minted at Constantinople, second officina, 583/4-602. D N MAVRC Tib PP AVG. Draped and cuirassed bust facing of Maurice in plumed helmet, holding globus cruciger in right hand and long staff terminating in a staurogram; CONOB in exergue. Reverse: VICTORI - A AVGG B. Victoria (Victory) standing facing, holding staff in right hand, globus cruciger in left; in exergue, CONOB. Sear 478; DO 5. Some minor marks about the outer rims as made. A needle sharp strike on a broad, medallic flan. Absolutely superb. Nearly Mint State.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4240
Phocas, 602-610. Gold Solidus (4.42g) minted at Constantinople, ninth officina. Crowned, facing bust of Phocas wearing consular robes and holding mappa and cross. Reverse: Victoria (Victory) standing facing, holding staff surmounted by a Christogram and a globus cruciger, legend ends: I. DO 3.1; Sear 623. Very scarce. Lustrous. Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,400.
Ex Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4241
Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine, 610-641. Gold Solidus (4.21g) minted at Constantinople. First officina, ca. 626-629. Crowned and draped busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine facing, cross above. Reverse: Cross potent on three steps, legend ends: A. D.O. 20a, Sear 746. An incredible example of this common type. Lustrous and superb. Mint State.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300.
Ex Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from NFA early 1970s.

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Lot 4242
Heraclius, 610-641, with Heraclius Constantine. Gold Solidus (4.4g). Minted at Constantinople, eighth officina, 616-625. Crowned facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; cross above between them. Reverse: Cross potent on three steps; legend ends Θ; CONOB in exergue. D.O. 17b; Sear 746. Perfectly centered and perfectly struck. A marvelous example of a common type. Lustrous. Mint State.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4243
Heraclius, 610-641, with Heraclius Constantine. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Ravenna, 613. DD NN HERACLIVS ET HERA CONT PP AV. Facing busts of Heraclius, with short beard, and Heraclius Constantine, beardless and smaller, each crowned and wearing paludamentum and cuirass; between heads, cross; heavy annular border. Reverse: VICTORI - A AVGGG B. Cross potent on base of four steps; below, CONOB; heavy annular border. Sear 896; DO 271. Nice and bold. Rare. Superb Extremely Fine.

During the long reign of the emperor Heraclius (610-641), the design of the gold solidus underwent many changes, as the senior emperor aged and his two sons were gradually advanced to a full share in the imperial office. This type belongs to the earlier part of the joint reign of Heraclius and his elder son Heraclius Constantine (613-29), the senior emperor appearing with a short beard and his son beardless. Most solidi of this type were struck at the capital of Constantinople but there are rarer issues produced by provincial mints.

This excellent example comes from the northern Italian mint of Ravenna, the products of which are characterized by their heavy annular borders as well as considerable stylization in the treatment of the imperial costume. At Constantinople, the letters at the end of the reverse inscription indicate the officina or workshop responsible for the production of the coin, but this is not the case at Ravenna. Thus, on this specimen the letter 'B' is of uncertain meaning.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4244
Constans II with Constantine IV, 654-668. Gold Solidus (4.3g) mint of Constantinople, fifth officina. Facing busts of Constans (on left) with long beard and Constantine IV (on right) beardless, each wearing crown and chlamys; between their heads, cross. Reverse: Cross potent on three steps; legends ends: E. Sear 959; M.I.B. 26. Well struck on a nice large flan with wide margins. Lustrous Mint State.
Estimated Value $900 - 1,000.
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Lot 4245
Leontius, 695-698. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople, 18th officina. D LEO - N PE AV. Bust facing of bearded Leontius, wearing crown and loros, holding akakia in right hand, globus cruciger in left. Reverse: VICTORIA AVSЧ S; cross potent on three steps; below, CONOB. Sear 1330; DO 1. The obverse is magnificent! Virtually as struck. Quite rare in this state of preservation. Lustrous. Nearly Mint State.

Attributed to Leo III by earlier numismatists, this rare type has now been recognized as belonging to the ephemeral emperor Leontius, who succeeded Justinian II late in 695. The loss of Carthage to the Arabs in 698 cost Leontius much of his popularity, and he was overthrown at the end of the year by Tiberius III, Apsimar (698-705). When Justinian II reclaimed his throne in 705, the two 'usurpers' were exhibited in the Hippodrome and later executed.
Estimated Value $2,500 - 3,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4246
Leontius, 695-698. Gold Solidus (4.38g) minted at Constantinople, ninth officina. Crowned, bearded bust of Leontius facing wearing loros, holding akakia and globus cruciger. Reverse: Cross potent on three steps; legend ends: I. DO. 1; MIB 1; Sear 1330. Reverse somewhat off-center. Pleasing depiction of Leontius. Lustrous and rare. Extremely Fine.

Strategos of the Hellas theme, Leontius, the usurper, dethroned Justinian II, had his nose and tongue slit and banished him to Kherson. After a brief reign, Leontius, though, would suffer a similar fate.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4247
Tiberius III, Apsimar, 698-705. Gold Solidus (4.43g) minted at Constantinople, second officina. Crowned and cuirassed bust of Tiberius III facing, with a short beard, holding spear and shield decorated with a horseman dragging captive. Reverse: Cross potent on three steps, legend ends: B. DO. II 1b; Sear 1360. Bold and lustrous. Rare. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500.
Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4248
Tiberius III, Aspimar, 698-705. Gold Solidus (4.28g), minted at Constantinople, fourth officina. Crowned and cuirassed bust of Tiberius III facing, holding spear and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Reverse: Cross potent set on three steps; legend ends; Δ. DOC 1d; MIB 1; Sear 1360. Lustrous. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500.
Ex Triton XIII, lot 449.

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Lot 4249
Tiberius III, Aspimar, 698-705. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople, fifth officina. D TibERI - ЧS PE AV. Cuirassed bust facing of Tiberius III with short beard, wearing crown, holding spear across his body with right hand; shield over left shoulder. Reverse: VICTORIA AVSЧ E. Cross potent on three steps; below, CONOB. Sear 1360; DO 1. The obverse is magnificent! Virtually as struck. Rare, particularly so in this choice state of preservation. Lustrous. Nearly Mint State.

During the reign of Leontius, the Umayyad Caliph `Abd al-Malik took Carthage. Leontius dispatched an army to retake the city, but it failed. Rather than face the emperor's wrath for its failure, the army rebelled and named a Germanic naval officer and droungarious, Apsimar as their commander. Apsimar quickly renamed himself Tiberius and overthrew Leontius. The reign of Tiberius III ended with his execution after Justinian II was restored to the purple.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4250
Justinian II, second reign, 705-711. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople. Second Reign. d N IhS ChS REX REGNANTIЧM. Bust facing of Christ with short, curly hair and close beard, wearing pallium and colobium; his right hand raised in benediction, in his left, book of Gospels; behind his head, cross. Reverse: [D N] IЧS - TINIA - NЧS MЧLTЧ AN'. Bust facing of Justinian II with short beard, wearing crown and loros, holding cross potent on three steps in right hand; in left, patriarchal cross on globe inscribed PAX. Sear 1413; DO 1. Fully lustrous and as struck. Mint State.

This portrait issue of Christ is the most magnificent in the entire Byzantine series.

During his first reign (685-695), Justinian II, son of Constantine IV, had shown himself to be an innovator in iconography when, in 692, he had been the first emperor to utilize the bust of Christ as a coin type. On his restoration to the Byzantine throne in 705, he continued the tradition he had started by again portraying Christ on his gold and silver coinage. Whereas the original depiction had shown the bearded Christ Pantokrator, the later image shows Him youthful with short curly hair and close beard. Perhaps derived from a noted icon, this is the only appearance of this 'life-like' image of Christ on the Byzantine coinage. It is sometimes described as 'Syrian' as scholars have found analogies to it in works of art coming from Syria and Palestine. In view of the reign of terror that characterized his second period in office (705-711), it is ironic that on the reverse the emperor holds an orb inscribed PAX (Peace).
Estimated Value $4,000 - 5,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4251
Justinian II, second reign, with Tiberius, 705-711. Gold Solidus (4.44g) minted at Constantinople. Facing bust of Christ Pantokrator, hair in tight curls; cross behind His head, wearing pallium and colobium, raising hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels. Reverse: Facing half-length, crowned figures of Justinian II and Tiberius, each wearing divitision and chlamys, holding cross potent between them. DO. 2b; MIB 2b; Sear 1415. A beautiful, well struck lustrous specimen. A wonderful example of Byzantine numismatic art. Superb Extremely Fine.

Undaunted by his mutilation and dethronement, Justinian II returned from his banishment with a Bulghar army to reclaim his empire and exact his revenge. His second reign was consumed in an orgy of blood, and his single-minded pursuit of brutal vendetta ultimately led to a rebellion in which he and his son Tiberius were put to death.
Estimated Value $4,000 - 5,000.
Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4252
Justinian II, second reign, 705-711. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople. Second Reign. d N IhS ChS REX REGNANTIЧM. Bust facing of Christ with short, curly hair and close beard, wearing pallium and colobium; his right hand raised in benediction; in his left, book of Gospels; behind his head, cross. Reverse: [D N IЧSTIN]IAN - ЧS ET Tib - ERIЧS PP A'. Half-length figures facing of Justinian II to left and slightly smaller Tiberius to right, each wearing crown, divitision, and chlamys, each with his right hand on long cross potent on two steps held between them. Sear 1415; DO 2b. A remarkable specimen. Fully lustrous and as struck. Nearly Mint State.
Estimated Value $4,000 - 5,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4253
Leo III, the Isaurian, 717-741. Gold Solidus (4.3g) minted at Constantinople. DNO LEO - N P A MЧL. Bust facing of Leo III with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, holding globus cruciger in right hand, akakia in left. Reverse: VICTORIA AVSЧ А. Cross potent on three steps; below; CONOB. Sear 1502; DO 1. A very rare issue where Leo appears alone. Lustrous. Superb Extremely Fine.

Issued just before the great Iconolast Revolt.
Estimated Value $3,000 - 4,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4254
Leo III, the Isaurian, with Constantine V. 717-741. Gold Solidus (4.3g) minted at Constantinople. DNO LEO - N P A MЧL. Bust facing of Leo III with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, holding globus cruciger in right hand, akakia in left. Reverse: d N CONST - ANTINЧS M'. Bust facing of beardless Constantine V, wearing crown and chlamys, holding globus cruciger in right hand, akakia in left. Sear 1504; DO 5. A marvelous specimen, well struck on both sides. Lustrous. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4255
Leo III, the Isaurian, with Constantine V, 717-741. Gold Solidus (4.35g) minted at Constantinople. Crowned facing bust of Leo wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger, legend ends: Δ Reverse: Crowned facing bust of Constantine wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger, legend ends: I. DO. 7b.2; Sear 1504. Well struck and perfectly centered. Trivial deposits, edge filed. Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500.
Ex Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4256
Constantine V, Copronymus, 741-775. Gold Solidus (4.4g) mint of Constantinople. Facing busts of Constantine V, with short beard (on left) and his son Leo IV, beardless (on right), each wearing crown and chlamys; pellet between and cross above. Reverse: Facing bust of Leo III, with short beard, wearing crown and loros and holding cross potent. DO. 2; Sear 1551. Well struck with complete legends. Scarce. Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
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Lot 4257
Constantine V, Copronymus, 741-775. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople, from 751. CONSTANTINOS S LEON O NEOS. Busts facing of Constantine V, with short beard, and Leo IV, slightly smaller and beardless, each wearing crown and chlamys; above, cross. Reverse: G LE - ON P A MЧL. Bust facing of Leo III, with short beard, wearing crown and loros, holding cross potent in right hand. Sear 1551; DO 2. Extremely Fine.

Issued after June 6, 751, when Constantine V made his son Leo IV associate ruler.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4258
Constantine V, Copronymus, with Leo IV, 751-775. Gold Solidus (3.86 g) minted at Syracuse. Facing busts of Constantine V, with short beard on left and Leo IV, beardless on right; each wearing crown and chlamys with cross between their heads. Reverse: Facing bust of Leo III, with short beard, wearing crown and loros, and holding cross potent. Partial legends legible. Sear 1565; Morrisson 23/Sy/02. Some minor die rust obliterating the reverse legend. Fully lustrous and needle sharp. Well struck on an oblong flan. Very rare. NGC graded Mint State; Strike:3/5, Surface: 5/5.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
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Lot 4259
Theophilus, 829-842. Gold Solidus (4.4g) minted at Constantinople. * ΘEOFI - LOS BASILE Θ.Bust facing of Theophilus with short beard, wearing crown and chlamys, holding partriarchal cross in right hand, akakia in left. Reverse: + MIXAHL S CONSTANTIN'. Busts facing of Michael II, with short beard, and Constantine, smaller and beardless, each wearing crown and chlamys; between heads, pellet; above, cross. DO 3; Sear 1653. Some earthern deposits still remain. Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4260
Basil I, the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886. (4.39g). Mint of Constantinople. Christ enthroned facing. Reverse: Facing busts of Basil, with short beard on left and Constantine, beardless on right, holding between them patriarchal cross; Basil wears loros, while his son is clad in chlamys. DO 2; Sear 1704. Well struck with complete legends. Nearly Mint State.
Estimated Value $1,200 - 1,500.
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Lot 4261
Theodora, 1055-1056. Gold Tetarteron (3.92g) minted at Constantinople. Facing nimbate bust of Christ Pantokrator, raising hand in benediction and holding ornamented book of Gospels. Reverse: Bust of Theodora facing wearing crown with cross and pendilia and loros with a high pearl collar, holding scepter and globus cruciger. DO. III, 2.10; Sear 1838. Quite a pleasing example of this rare type. Extremely Fine/ Choice Very Fine.

When the pleasure-loving Constantine IX died and her sister Zoe predeceased, Theodora the last of the Macedonian House, ascended the throne. Ruling in her own name for over a year, Theodora was the first empress to do so since Irene.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.
Wolfen Family Foundation, purchased from Bank Leu early 1970s.

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Lot 4262
Isaac I Comnenus, 1057-1059. Gold Histamenon Nomisma (4.4g) minted at Constantinople. + IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM. Nimbate Christ enthroned facing, wearing pallium and colobium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Gospels in left; double border. Reverse: + ICAAKIOC RACIΛEVC PWM. Crowned and bearded Isaac in military attire standing facing, brandishing drawn sword in right hand, resting left on scabbard; double border. DO 2; Sear 1843. Some minute marks about the outer rim. Very scarce. Lustrous. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4263
John II, Comnenus, 1118-1143. Gold Hyperpyron (4.4g) minted at Constantinople, first coinage ca. 1118-1122. IC XC. Nimbate Christ Pantokrator seated facing on backless throne, wearing pallium and colobium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Gospels in left. Reverse: + IWΔECΠOTH. Half-length figures facing of John, crowned by manus dei, wearing loros, and holding akakia in right hand, and nimbate Virgin, wearing pallium and maphorium; they hold between them patriarchal cross; above Virgin, ΘV; to right, monogram. DO 1; Sear 1938. Unusually well struck for the first issue of his reign. Superb Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300.
The Hunter Collection.

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Lot 4264
Andronicus I, Comnenus, 1183-1185. Gold Hyperpyron (4.53g). The Virgin, nimbate, enthoned facing wearing pallium and maphorium and holding before Her, nimbate head of the infant Christ facing. Reverse: Christ bearded with nimbus cross on right, and Andronicus, with forked beard on left, both standing facing; Christ wearing pallium and colobium, holding book of Gospels in left hand, with His right crowns the emperor, who wears divitision, loros and sagion and holds labarum and globus cruciger. In upper field IC - XC. DO 1.4; Sear 1983. Some graffiti in the left reverse margin not effecting the design. Very rare in such superb condition. Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,300.
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