Goldberg Coins and Collectibles

Sale 140

The Pre Long Beach Auction, The Peh Family Collection PT II

Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 1516
  Thailand, Government of Siam. 1 Tical, 1918-25. Pick-14 TB22. Printer: TDLR. S/N V/61 09370 - Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. Rare. Choice Uncirculated 63 (Minor Rust). Estimated Value $1,000 - UP
Ex Spink, London 2004, Sale 1022, lot 1672.
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Lot 1517
  Thailand, Government of Siam. 5 Baht, ND (1939). Pick-32. TB47. Printer: TDLR. S/N K/11 38608 - Wmk: Constitution - Type 1 Heading. Scarce "free Thai" issue. PMG graded Very Fine 20 (Repaired). Estimated Value $200 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Sale 1022, October 2010, Lot 1677.
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Lot 1518
  Thailand. Japanese Intervention WWII. 100 Baht, ND (1945). Pick-53Bd. TB83 SB104c1b. S/N S/38 76268. Water mark: Wavy Lines-Without Imprint. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 (Staple Holes). Estimated Value $500 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Oct 2010, Sale 1022, lot 1681.
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Lot 1519
  Thailand / Japanese Intervention WWII. 100 Baht, ND (1945). Pick-52a. TB78 SB115. S/N S/18 32857 - Wmk: Constitution-With Signature. PMG graded Very Fine 30. Estimated Value $250 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Oct 2010, Sale 1022, lot 1680.
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Lot 1520
  Thailand, Government of Siam. 1 Baht, 1934-35. Pick-22. TB36. S/N A/91 29153. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Choice Extremely Fine 45 EPQ
1 Baht, 1934-35. Pick-22. TB36. S/N B/75 04064. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 (Minor Stain)
5 Baht, 1934-35. Pick-23. TB38. S/N K/14 96967. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Very Fine 20 (Rust, Annotations)
10 Baht, 1934-35. Pick-24. TB40. S/N N/2 41896. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Very Fine 25 (Annotations)
20 Baht, 1935. Pick-25. TB42. S/N P/3 01853. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Very Fine 25. Lot of 5 notes. Estimated Value $250 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Oct 2010, Sale 1022, lot 1674.
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Lot 1521
  Thailand, Government of Siam. Thailand. 1 Baht, 1935-38. Pick-26. TB37. S/N C/27 03351. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64.
10 Baht, 1935-36. Pick-28. TB41. S/N N/42 28477. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Very Fine-25.
20 Baht, 1936. Pick-29. TB43. S/N P/18 23941. Wmk: Three Headed Elephant-Sign.#15. PMG graded Very Fine-30 (Foreign Substance, Ink). Lot of 3 notes. Estimated Value $250 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Oct 2010, Sale 1022, lot 1675.
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Lot 1522
  Thailand, Government of Siam. Pick-30. TB44. 1 Baht, ND (1939). Printer: TDLR. S/N A/77 11758 - Sign. #15-16 - Type 1 Heading. PMG graded About Uncirculated 55
Pick-34. TB49. 10 Baht, ND (1939). Printer: TDLR. S/N N/4 90400 -Wmk: Constitution - Type 1 Heading. PMG graded About Unciruclated 55 (Minor Stain)
Pick-35a. TB50. 10 Baht, ND (1939). Printer: TDLR. S/N N/53 35838 - Wmk: Constitution - Type II Heading. PMG graded Very Fine 30
Pick-36. TB51. 20 Baht, ND (1939). Printer: TDLR. S/N P/1 91224 - Sign. #16 - Type 1 Heading. PMG graded Choice Very Fine 35
Pick-37. TB52. 1000 Baht, ND (1939). Printer: TDLR. S/N T/1 11744. Wmk: Constituion - Type 1 Heading. PMG graded Fine 12 (Edge Damage)
Pick-51r. TB77. 100 Baht, ND (1943). Wmk: Constitution - Remainder. PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ. Lot of 6 notes. Estimated Value $1,000 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Sale 1022, October 2010, Lot 1676.
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Lot 1523
  Thailand / Japanese Intervention WWII. Pick-39b. TB55. SB101b. 1 Baht, ND (1942-44) Type II. S/N B/34 66108 - Wmk: constitution - Rignt S/N in English. PMG graded Very Fine 20 (Rust, Split)
Pick-43a. TB60. 50 Satang, ND (1942). Block 3U. PMG graded Choice Very Fine 35
Pick-43a. TB60. 50 Satang, ND (1942). Block 66V. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Pick-43r. TB60. 50 Satang, ND (1942). Remainder. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ
Pick-44c. TB63. SB106c. 1 Baht, ND (1942-44) Type III. S/N D/75 07019 - Wmk: Constitution - With 2 S/N. PMG graded Very Fine 25 EPQ
Pick-44C. TB63. SB106c. 1 Baht, ND (1942-44) Type III. S/N E/26 72148 - Wmk: Constitution - With 2 S/N. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 (As Made Ink)
Pick-44r. TB61. SB106p. 1 Baht, ND (1942-44). Wmk: Constitution - Remainder. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Pick-53Ab. TB81. SB 103b-c2a. 20 Baht, ND (1945). S/N P/34 12687 - With Imprint -Wmk: Wavy Lines. PMG graded Choice Very Fine 35
Pick-54a. TB84. SB117a1-2/b1-2. 1 Baht, ND (1945). S/N 94646 -Wmk: Wavy Lines. PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58. Lot of 9 notes. Estimated Value $1,000 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Sale 1022, October 2010, Lot 1678.
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Lot 1524
  Thailand, Government of Thailand. Pick-62. TB97. 50 Satang on 10 Baht, ND (1946). Block 20 - Sign. #22 - Ovpt. on Thailand #59. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ
Pick-62Ab. TB98. 1 Baht, ND (1946). S/N A/87 06153 - Without 12th Character in Ovpt. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ
Pick-63. TB99. 1 Baht, ND (1946). S/N A24252998B Block 22 -Sign.#22. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64
Pick-63. TB99. 1 Baht, ND (1946). S/N A12960494B Block 11 - Sign.#22. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64
Pick-63. TB99. 1 Baht, ND (1946). S/N A31875603A Block 65 - Sign.#22. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Pick-63. TB99. 1 Baht, ND (1946). S/N A31875604A Block 65 - Sign.#22. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Pick-63. TB99. 1 Baht, ND (1946). S/N A94368435B Block 37 - Sign.#22. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ
Pick-64. TB100. 5 Baht, ND (1946). S/N B02823068A Block 3 - Sign.#22. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ
Pick-65b. TB102. 10 Baht, ND (1946). S/N C15045397A Block 61 - Sign.#26. PMG graded Extremely Fine 40
Pick-66b. TB104. 20 Baht, ND (1946). S/N D05412048A Block 27 - Wmk: Military Authority. PMG graded Very Fine 25 (Ink)
Pick-67a. TB105. 100 Baht, ND (1946). S/N E05082955A Block 36 -Wmk: Military Authority. PMG graded Choice Very Fine 35 (Ink). Lot of 11 notes. Estimated Value $300 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Sale 1022, October 2010, Lot 1683 (part).
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Lot 1525
  Thailand, Government of Thailand. Pick-68. TB106. 50 Satang, ND (1948). S/N Y/10024472 - Printer: TDLR. PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58 EPQ
Pick-69a. TB107. 1 Baht, ND (1948). S/N R/41 202235 - Wmk; Constitution - Red S/N. PMG graded Extremely Fine 40
Pick-69a. TB107. 1 Baht, ND (1948). S/N R/52 827599 - Wmk; Constitution - Red S/N. PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58
Pick-69b. TB108. 1 Baht, ND (1948). S/N R/139 052377 - Wmk: Constitution - Black S/N. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ
Pick-71b. TB120. 10 Baht, ND (1948). S/N 1/36 351571 - Wmk: Constitution - Black S/N. PMG graded Very Fine 20
Pick-71b. TB120. 10 Baht, ND (1948). S/N M/80 292880 - Wmk: Constitution - Black S/N. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 63 (Staple Holes)
Pick-72b. TB126. 20 Baht, ND (1948). S/N F/31 399383 - Wmk: Constitution - Black S/N. PMG graded Very Fine 25
Pick-73. TB131. 100 Baht, ND (1948). S/N B/24 082238 - Wmk: Constitution. PMG graded Very Fine 30 (Minor Stains)
Pick-110. CB13. 100 Baht, ND (2002). S/N 1A1859566 - Wmk: Three Headed Elephant. PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ. Lot of 9 notes. Estimated Value $200 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Sale 1022, October 2010, Lot 1683 (part).
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Lot 1526
  Thailand, Government of Thailand. A Complete run of the modern series with additional signature varieties, 1953-1996. Lot contains the following Pick #'s: P-76d. PMG EF-40; P-83a. PMG-Choice About Uncirculate 58
P-76d, 77d, 94. All PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64
P-89, 90b, 91, 96. All PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
P-74d, 79a, 84a, 85a, 89, 92, 95. All PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ
P-82a, 86a, 87, 90b, 97. All PMG graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ
P-83a, 87 (2 notes), 88, 99. All PMG graded Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ. Lot of 26 notes. Estimated Value $500 - UP
Ex Spink, London, Oct 2010, Sale 1022, lot 1684 (part).
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Lot 1527
  Thailand -Goverenment of Thailand. 5 Baht, ND (1956). Pick-75d. TB118. Lg. Text on Back. S/N Q/46 007348. Wmk: King's Profile. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64.
20 Baht, ND (1953). Pick-77d. TB130. Lg. Text on Back. S/N H/21 626595. Wmk: King's Profile. PMG graded Choice About Uncirculated 58
20 Baht, ND (1953). Pick-77d. TB130. Lg. Text on Back. S/N Y/434 133008. Wmk: King's profile. PMG graded Choice Uncirculated 64
100 Baht, ND (1955). Pick-78d. TB135. Lt. Text on Back. S/N E/45 998941. Wmk: King's Profile. PMG graded Choice Uncircuated 64 EPQ. Lot of 4 notes. Estimated Value $200 - UP
Ex Champion Hong Kong Auction, July 2008, lot 264.
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